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This post is more than 5 years old


November 29th, 2013 03:00

Issue with Dell Studio 1558


i own Dell Studio 1558 brought in Aug 2010. In Apr-May 2013, issue occurred with System being ON, fans working but no display being shown. Connected it with other display & still it was not functioning. Reported the issue to Dell, after 3-4 visits engineer found the issue & processor was replaced and issue was solved.

However the same problem have occurred again within 3-4 months. Dell customer care have informed Motherboard of my configuration is not available with them & hence nothing can done. Addition to Rs. 50k, Rs. 11k was spent in Apr 2013 for solving an issue & the same thing have resurfaced.

Dell is saying they're helpless & they have run out of solutions & i'm left with Non-usable Laptop of just 3 years old, after Spending almost Rs. 60k on the same. Such terrific customer support from Dell is pathetic as far as i'm concerned. 

Requesting suggestions of what needs to be done?. Are Processor / Motherboards available outside (apart from Dell)? 

Laptop Details:-

Intel® Core i5-450M (2.4GHz, 2Core/4Threads, turbo boost up to 2.66Ghz, 3M cache)

ATI Mobility Radeon(TM) HD 5470

T540613IN8-Studio 15 New Laptop


8.8K Posts

November 29th, 2013 13:00


If your warranty is in force Dell can do something about it, that's why you bought the warranty, right?

Did they trouble shoot the system remotely and determine the problem was in your motherboard?


3 Posts

November 30th, 2013 02:00

It's not in warranty right now. And to add it to warranty now, they saying it is not possible as it a defunct system.

It was mentioned by one rep that Rs. 11k in Apr 2013 was for part replace & warranty. After paying it & after repair, they said it is for part replace only & not for warranty & that i misinterpreted. 

Its mentioned in their website that upto 5 years, care for the laptop will be taken care by Dell. Free if in warranty & payable if outside. 

Even offered for paying the required amt, but Dell don't want to even do a bit of hard work to get Motherboard.

Beep test was done, 3-2-1 which shows motherboard failure. Such care from Dell after just 3 years is what surprises me, even after offering to pay for the same.

Kind of reluctant to repair it outside, wondering about the quality of service. But since Dell is being low-class in offering service, that remains the only way out.

8.8K Posts

November 30th, 2013 08:00


Why is this Dell's fault if your warranty has expired and they don't want to fix it for free?

I'm trying to figure out what you expect them to do, given it's not under warranty?


3 Posts

December 1st, 2013 00:00

I'm not asking them to repair it for free. I want Dell to repair it (Not from outside) & is ready to pay too. 

My question is if it was in warranty, they will arrange to repair it somehow for free. Since it is out of warranty,

I just want them to repair it on cost basis. I'm ready to pay. 

But Dell is not even doing it, leaving me with a 3 yr old fault laptop. I'm questioning their responsibility. 

9 Legend


87.5K Posts

December 1st, 2013 03:00

If they no longer have parts, but the system is under warranty, they'd likely replace it with a refurbished system of a different model.

The boards ARE still available from third parties.  See below - if you can't replace a board yourself, you can have any computer shop do the job;  the labor charge will be about $100 in most areas.

8.8K Posts

December 1st, 2013 15:00


Where are you located?

 I know that if this was the U.S. Dell out gladly sell me the parts and have someone come  and install it.  But,I know it would cost me  more than having it done at a local shop


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