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This post is more than 5 years old


June 26th, 2010 02:00

Memory module error 2gb hynix Warranty???

​I live in the UK but I bought a Dell Inspiron 1440 in Kuala Lumpur last year. The Dell web site states that I have plenty of warranty time but it is unclear how I progress a claim. ​

​I tried to call the tech. support line after 9am, the opening time for calls, but the message states that the office is closed.​

​It all seems a little mickey mouse to me.As stated I live in the uk but purchased the pc from Asia, the web page can't get it's tiny round that fact and fails to progress my investigation.​

​ ​

​Can anyone set me on the path to tech support please.​

​ ​

9 Legend


87.5K Posts

June 26th, 2010 04:00

You must contact Dell where the system was purchased (which is probably why you're hearing those messages). Upgrade to an international warranty and then you will be able to receive support in the UK.


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