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This post is more than 5 years old


June 5th, 2011 05:00

New Dell XPS 15z (L511z) Wireless Card Issues

Hello All! I recently purchased a Dell XPS 15z with the L511z configuration which includes a Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6230. The new Laptop is a true wonder and the best by far on the 15" market, especially with the nVidia GeForce GT 525M 2G.

The problem i am having is with wireless. When connected to the router there are no issues what so ever with speed when browsing the Internet or playing World of Warcraft, however, unplug and fall into the dread of slow latency and unforgiving torture.

Has anyone found a resolution. I do understand that when you are plugged in it is much better reception, however, being no dummy I still have my old laptop and my wife's which are HP and have no issues what so ever with wireless.

4 Operator


3.5K Posts

September 21st, 2011 17:00

I have received a method to edit the Windows Registry to make sure that the Centrino driver (version 14.2) is installed correctly.  If you have updated to the latest driver and are still having connection problems, this may help.

How to Check Advanced Power Management (APM) Setting


This involves editing the registry, so please make a back up of the registry before continuing. This can be as easy as creating a restore point in system restore.

To create a restore point

• Open System by clicking the Start button, right-clicking Computer, and then clicking Properties.

• In the left pane, click System protection.  If you're prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.

• Click the System Protection tab, and then click Create.

• In the System Protection dialog box, type a description, and then click Create.


1. Now that a restore point has been created, open the registry editor.  Click start and search for regedit.  Right click on regedit and choose “Run as Administrator”.

2. In the registry editor click Edit, Find and type “APMMode” and click “Find Next”.

3. The APMMode setting is located at [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\] and the key starts with {4D36E972-xxxxxxxxx}  

4. On the right in the name field it should have Adapter Model  listed, to the right of that in the Data field it should list Intel® Centrino® Advanced=N 6230

5. Under the registry key [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4D36E972-xxxxx].  Underneath the key you will see many folders numbered from 0000.

a. Click one these folders and look to the left under the name field and you should find DriverDesc and DriverVersion listed.  

b. Under the data field of DriverDesc it should reads Intel® Centrino® Advanced-N 6230

c. For the data field of DriverVersion it should read

6. On the name field click where it reads APMMode, in the data field it should be set to “0” If not edit the key.  Right click on APMMODE and choose modify then change the Value Data field to 0 in the pop up box. Close the registry editor and restart the Computer to take effect.

Check and see if internet performance improves.


39 Posts

September 21st, 2011 20:00

I have gone through the steps and my drivers are at with the field set to 0, still having issues.

6 Posts

September 22nd, 2011 09:00

The annoying thing is if I pay £1200 for a laptop i expect it to work fresh out of the box , without having to install drivers, or switch off bluetooth or anything. What if i decided to use the bluetooth whilst on the internet? Is that not an option anymore? If the new one that's being sent to me doesn't do everything perfectly I'm sending it back and buying something else with my hard earnt money.

I strongly suggest that Dell do a huge recall on all of these laptops and save themselves the embarrassment of disappointing more faithful customers.

2 Posts

September 22nd, 2011 13:00

I searched for the APMMode like suggested, however, a box comes up saying that it search for it, but nothing pops up on the right hand side.  I tried to find it manually is the directions Terry gave were pretty easy, but when I get to the DriverDesc it says:  WAN Miniport (SSTP).  The DriverVersion says:  6.1.7601.17514 and I can't find a name of APMMode anywhere.  

I'm not sure why it doesn't say what it's supposed to say?

4 Posts

September 22nd, 2011 13:00

I will NEVER buy another Dell again after this horrible experience with this laptop!  I have had so many too, and Dell has always been quick to fix problems.  This time NOPE! I not only have the horrible internet connection problem but also have a touchpad problem and the curser jumps wherever it wants too.  Of course Dell offered to have the parts replaced on a brand new computer!!  I have been waiting for over 2 WEEKS for a new computer and NOTHING!  I called today and they don't know why I haven't received a replacement, and they couldn't tell me when I would either!!!!!!!!!  

I'm sending this computer back and taking the advice of my son and buying a MAC!

39 Posts

September 22nd, 2011 14:00


On the left hand side you will see many folders numbered 0000-00xx. You need to go through each until the DeviceName is the Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6230.

33 Posts

September 22nd, 2011 19:00

My post from earlier was deleted by Dell for violating the Terms of Use of the forums, but I don't know why.  I did not use offensive language or anything.  I am going to copy and change one thing I think the automated moderator may have interpreted as foul language (regarding reference to the function key) and see if it posts.

I am so glad I found this thread. I have a Dell XPS L502X and am having very much the same problems. Mine is all on AC power though, I rarely use mine on battery power. My specs: 2nd gen core i7-2620M 2.70ghz processor, 8gb ram, nvidia geforce gt540M 2gb graphics, 500gb hard drive, creative soundblaster x-fi, and the most important Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6230 and Bluetooth 3.0 purchased in March 2011. Out of the box it began freezing up/locking up intermittently.  Mostly when at idle! I performed a clean install of the operating system, driver updates, etc. Talked to tech support whose response is always to perform a system restore. Never works. Finally identified the problem--it's the wireless. The one reason I bought a LAPTOP computer, so I didn't have to sit at my DESK. I have done a bazillion tests from running msconfig and turning off
all services except Microsoft to toggling power settings of the wireless card and the power settings of the laptop. I have had only days of flawless work from this system in the last 6 months of ownership. Yesterday it worked fine all day--on and off the internet, working over my network, etc. Today, it has locked up 4 times! Once while no programs were open and the screen saver was on. Once right after I rebooted it from a lockup and it was still in the boot up process, once while I was on the internet, and once while it was sitting there getting ready to go into screen saver. It's is not a functional, reliable system. (By freeze/lockup I mean that everything just stops being functional--the screen freezes wherever it's at, the mouse doesn't work, can't control+alt+delete--just sits there, oh and the fan is usually running high when it occurs.) Skimming through this thread, it seems I've tried many of the same things as you all. I have updated drivers, I have checked with my router to make sure it has the latest firmware (it is a Netgear N600 WNDR3700v2) I can guarantee it's a wireless problem by this simple test. If I toggle the wireless off using function+F2 when I walk away from the system, It doesn't lock up. If I turn the wireless off completely and hook it up to my router wired, it doesn't lock up.  Anytime the wireless is on-it's unreliable and I never know when it's going to freeze up.  Dell needs to get on Intel to resolve the issue NOW or stop selling their flawed wireless card. No more chances. All I want is a working system with wireless connectivity. If Intel cannot provide that, give me a different wireless card that works. Oh, and by the way, throughout the different troubleshooting to identify my "freezing" problem, I have had the motherboard replaced-TWICE, the graphics card replaced, the heat sync and fan replaced, the wireless card replaced-4 TIMES, and the wireless connectors replaced.

2 Posts

September 22nd, 2011 20:00

Thank you!

I found it and everything looks okay there, but I still can't find the APMMode.  I searched through those folders and tried another search, but nothing is coming up.  Any idea where I can find that?

2 Posts

September 23rd, 2011 07:00

Hi Guys

I have been thinking on buying The xps 15z, after hearing all you wireless problem i am in doubt. I called Dell sales assistant and they assured me that the problem has been resolved on all new laptops. It was a problem with the bluetooth and wireless on the new card. can I believe this sales "ASSISTANT"?

2 Posts

September 23rd, 2011 07:00

No it the same card, he was actually sounded suprised that there was no other option for a different card. he then put me on hold and went to speak to his supervisor, when he returned he said yes there was a problem with the card at the begining but it has been resolved and is not an issue!  I would like to hear this officially from tech assistant or from recent buyers of the machine. Its really bad to think that they may have made paying customers guinea pigs. Still in two minds weather to buy xps 15 or xps 15z!!?? Any recent buyers out there??

22 Posts

September 23rd, 2011 07:00

Wow. I'm pretty passive aggressive about this. Sure I was angry at first but I got over it once I worked out the issues. But for an assistant to say it's resolved? Is there something we don't know? Did they stop selling the 15z with the centurion card? That'd be interesting and us first adopters are guinea pigs on how to fix the original issue. Or they could just want your sale since that is their job. Once they give you the sell they don't have to deal with you, you'll have to deal with tech support for any issues. It's a wonderful machine ( I haven't tried gaming) but it runs all my adobe stuff quite smoothly.  

33 Posts

September 23rd, 2011 11:00

@ebraders...I have a XPS 15, not an XPS 15z and I am having the same wireless problems.  Actually mine seem to be worse--any of the 15z people have the computers actually crashing every time the wireless decides to be a jerk??  My XPS 15 freezes/locksup and the problem has been identified as the Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6230...which is what every single Dell laptop seems to come with these days.  If a sales rep is telling you the problem is "resolved", they are pulling your leg.  They probably have no clue and are telling you everything is fine so you'll spend your hard earned money on one of these $2k paperweights.  Yes, it's a fantastic system when it's working, but freezing up 4+ times a day?  Not worth the money.  I am sure Dell has "identified" the problem, but "identifying" it and "resolving" it are two different things.  If they have "resolved" it, they have left every current XPS 15/15z owner in the dark as to the resolution. 

My question--has anyone actually had any of the tweaks, driver updates, registry edits actually SOLVE the problem?  I am really quite frustrated that Dell hasn't offered an actual SOLUTION to the issue.  My computer locks up DAILY and has for the last 6 months.  The only time my computer functioned without locking up daily (and it was for an entire month) was when the wireless connector was fried.  The computer was working great for a whole month, then I went on vacation and that is when I realized that it was not finding G networks, only N networks (which my home network is.)  I have a tech come to replace the wireless card and find out that it was being caused by the connector being fried.  So, the computer works fine when the wireless is not at full strength, when it's compromised.  I get my connectors fixed so I have access to G networks and the daily freezing starts again.

In order of troubleshooting/repairs:

After 2 weeks of ownership--Replaced motherboard, video card, heat sync and fan (fan that came out of the custom built laptop was 2 years old and not rated for the components currently in the system...great job Dell.)

Things work good for a while--turns out connector was fried, possibly happened when the tech did the install of above mentioned items.

Went on vacation, could not connect to G networks...called tech support, got new wireless card, in-home tech identified connectors bad...came back two days later with new connectors...freezing started again (this was late July/early August)

Since then--troubleshooting--run msconfig and turn off all services except Microsoft...freezes still happen.  Set power option to "high performance" turn off screen saver.  Freezes still happen.  Toggle off wireless when computer sits idle--freezes stop happening.  Connect system wired, turn off wireless--freezes stop happening.  Apply latest drivers from Intel--done multiple times throughout August and September--freezes still happen.  Update BIOS--freezes still happen.

So far, the only thing that keeps my freezes from occurring is turning the wireless off.  How is this an acceptable workaround??  I have been patient, I have done everything Dell has asked in regard to troubleshooting/updating and trying to get this thing right.  Why are they not offering another option to fix things once and for all??  (The other option being a recall on the Intel wireless card and replacement for a card that does not have these problems.)  Start offering the Intel card when Intel gets their heads out of you-know-where and FIXES the problem.  No patches, no workaround, no blaming the router vendors...

16 Posts

September 24th, 2011 14:00

@Terrry B I couldn't find APMMode in my registry. It's not listed in the key for the Intel card either. Could this mean that the new drivers didn't install correctly.? Aaron

16 Posts

September 24th, 2011 14:00

I thought I'd come back and report. Upgraded to the drivers last week which helped a lot, but still bad reception. Contacted Dell and next day had a support technician replace the wireless card. Now works much better.

It's still patchy ocassionally, so now instead of 60% operation I get 90% operation. When I hit that 10% where it just won't work, I fall back onto my external 3G USB dongle.

I'm sure Dell and Intel will work out what's going on. The last round of drivers released 26AUG11 really helped a lot, so I'm sure they'll figure it out.


4 Operator


3.5K Posts

September 30th, 2011 12:00

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you Aaron.  Yeah it sounds like it isn't installed correctly.  I would look in programs and features if you have not already done so, then uninstall any Centrino, and uninstall Intel Present.  Then reinstall the new Centrino wireless and Bluetooth drivers.


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