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February 25th, 2011 04:00

new XPS 17 "L702X" + 1080p 3D TFT = no Optimus?


I can read everywhere, if I order the new XPS 17 with FullHD 3D TFT,

then I can´t use Optimus because the GT 555M have to run the whole time (?)

Can anyone confirm this curious "feature"? Will a FullHD-only TFT (without 3D)

also be available in the next time?




May 2nd, 2011 05:00

No joy in the UK yet, though I did get an e-mail today saying that there were only 3 days left of the current inspiron promotion, so maybe after that has finished 5th May...

Italy has Model 07 (m07) as the one configurable with the AG 1080p screen while in UK changing the URL to configure m07 does not show any AG 1080p options as yet...

So fingers crossed for May 5th...

May 4th, 2011 03:00

Has anyone received their AG 1080p screen XPS yet? Any feed back as to whether this screen is worth the wait? Does Optimus work? what is the impact on battery life? How about WiDi?

It would be great to know the part number so we can look up the specs and see how the screen has done in other testing (if it is one used in other laptop models...).

A bit off topic I know but this review ( does not appear to have the nice chiclet keyboard... Is it a case that you can either have isolated keys OR backlighting but not both?

53 Posts

May 4th, 2011 10:00

 Mine is supposed to be arriving tomorrow, fingers crossed.  I will let you know once I get my hands on it.  My major motivation for wanting optimus wasnt for battery life but in the hope that it will run cooler the gt555m though fast is a power user and runs hot which concerns me.  I have heard that the anti glare monitor is very good, and being a 2720 it will have WiDi though I probably wont use it for a bit.  I will be very happy to give you my honest opinion once it arrives and I get a chance to use it.  I will be using it with a cooling pad but I will let you know how the heat is and sandy bridge CPU and of course monitor and optimus.  I will be the guinea pig.

May 6th, 2011 03:00

Still no joy in the UK!!!

You can now get this in Italy, France, Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark, Neatherlands (where you can have multi-touch aswell) and in Spain its obviously just about there (since chqanging m06 to m07 in the URL brings up the AG option) But not in the UK! I have tripple checked this because I simply could not believe that the second major banking ecconomy in the world should be treated as inconsequential by Dell but it is true. I appreciate that we are a third world irrelevance compared to these other international titans, but COME ON DELL wheres our 1080p non 3d XPS 17!!!

53 Posts

May 6th, 2011 04:00

Hi David I have just received my xps17 a couple of hours ago so I am still trying to get my head around all the features..first of all let me say it is a beautiful looking machine definitely get the backlit keyboard and also it is very big it really is a desktop replacement though is still quite mobile..I have found that the Intel graphics ok for windows apps but very much lacking power for multimedia such as video...I am currently swapping over the graphics to the gt555m for a bit globally though the option to go between optimus and the dedicated graphics are is still a little early to give you an in depth analysis of the machine but first impressions are very good I would definitely recommend it though I was a little disappointed with the graphic capabilities of the Intel GPU like I said it is ok for windows apps and does run cool and probably give you good battery life but you will need to set it up to run on the dedicated graphics for video etc..the graphic quality is quite good though apparently the glossy screen do add a little graphic enhancement...I will try and give you a better review when I have spent a bit more time on really is a superb looking machine and once I get the optimus and dedicated graphic issues sorted out it will be great..stick to plan I have been very stressed putting all of this into motion I empathise with your situation so hang in there it is worth the wait..definitely go for the 1080 option..overall it is a fantastic machine  ...good luck

53 Posts

May 6th, 2011 07:00

David this thing is awesome I got a better handle on the optimus and it works really well I am really starting to enjoy this machine..keep pushing for it dramas with heating and optimus is seamless I have set the media files to run of the nvidia dedicated.....sorry not trying to rub it in just updating you it really is an impressive machine hopefully you should be able to get one soon it really is worth the wait

9 Posts

May 6th, 2011 08:00

Hey Cam,

   How do you like the AG (matte) screen?  How are the viewing angles?  Do photos and videos look reasonably crisp?  Maybe when you have time you could post a youtube review of the matte screen.  Thanks for any info.  Also, have you tested the USB 3.0 ports yet?  And how is the fan sound?  Thanks again.

53 Posts

May 6th, 2011 09:00

Yeah it is growing on me the AG screen the viewing angles are very good I have not really noticed image quality losing much at angles at all it is quite clear from all aspects and quite solid once the media files were instructed to run of the nvidia dedicated the image quality was very good for does photos and videos very well

Intel GPU is probably not up to the multimedia sort of tasks but runs windows very well..the opitmus is very smooth you wont be able to tell when it switches will be necessary to go into your nvidia utility in the 3d section and instruct the optimus to run on more demanding file types by allocating which programs you want the dedicated GPU to use, but runs very smoothly and I did not notice any real heat concerns..the optimus is very impressive it runs the OS very well and you will not be able to tell when the GPU switches over..

There are quite alot of nvidia graphic enhancement options to..I think the graphics are first it seemed a little dull but after some configuring it is really starting to look good particuarly now it is night time .

.the usb 3 is extremely fast I put a 1 gig video file onto a usb stick  which about took about 10 minutes to transfer on my old dinosaur..these 1 gig files went through in about 90 seconds on the USB 3.. it is a dream..

It is a very aesthetically pleasing laptop make sure you get the backlit keyborad it is the best looking laptop I have seen..these is no issue with fan it is very quiet I have got it running on a laptop cooler but it doesnt seem to have real heating issues probably optimus.. I was nervous about this but this machine is running beautifully

I am very pleased with it and can say it is worth the wait and the 2000 AUD I spent on has been a very long stressful process but it really is worth it..the 2720 turbo kicks in for demanding tasks and seems to really carve up any strenuous tasks sandy bridge is very impressive..

Dell were excellent I have found all aspects of doing the deal very good their staff responded well to communications and it came through on time..

This is a very impressive computer it easily the best 1 I have used and am pleased that I got this model, the screen is great the machine has been faultless runs quietly no gremlins yet and optimus and sandy bridge are very impressive

It is a very big laptop but I was after desktop replacement and it seems still quite mobile

I will try and get it together to do a youtube review I am still discovering the machine it only arrived this afternoon.

Hang in there it will be there soon and I honestly think it is worth the wait I like the AG screen and optimus is very impressive as is the build quality and the over all running of the is beautiful to use

77 Posts

May 6th, 2011 19:00

Hey Cam:

Just wondering... Ok, so you can't tell that the Intel GPU is switching over to Nvidia from the screen itself -- but is there some other kind of indication to let you know which graphic card is active? Like, an LED light? Taskbar icon?



53 Posts

May 6th, 2011 21:00

Hi Jake

There is a small Nvidia applet that sits in systray that will show what programs use the Nvidia dedicated and when it is being used and you can mange what program from there when you want to use it if you wish.

Optimus is very default programs run of the Intel GPU and you specify in a Nvidia app how and when it runs..for example there will be a list of programs there that you run and you specify either auto select, the Intel or the Nvidia for those programs so if your media files are to run of Nvidia you can specify the media player, some programs like a game will default to the Nvidia

You can also run the Nvidia globaly all the time if you wish for all use, then change it back to Intel or auto select it is very easy to control. 

It is very seamless it is impossible to tell when it swaps over, and at first you may want to know it but when you are used to running it and it is set up right you probably wouldnt bother as it is so smooth

The AG monitor is very good sharp and has very good viewing from angles but probably isnt quite as rich as True Life, but I like the matt finish and the way it presents with no reflection at all in daytime looks great at night time.

Overall the graphics run very smoothly with very little heat except when playing a game which I dont do very often and is still with in reasonable bounds.

The 2720QM CPU is excellent giving a windows score of 7.4 out of 7.9 plus the WiDi option and the turbo boost is good running anywhere up to 3.3 GHz when necessary and then dropping back when not being being pressured. It is a powerful machine.

Like I said at first you may want to know when the Nvidia is being used but once you are used to it you probably wont be as concerned and it is very easy to configure and control and there is the option of the applet to monitor it if you wish.  

Optimus is very impressive you will get more effecient use from the battery as well as running cooler and the Intel GPU handles OS and windows tasks very well I have not had a problem with it

77 Posts

May 7th, 2011 02:00

Thanks for the thorough response, Cam -- very much appreciated.

FWIW to anyone following this thread... Here in the US I ordered my 1080p non-3D Nvidia+Optimus Dell XPS laptop on 23-Apr-2011. The estimated delivery date was originally set for 09-May-2011, but a recent email from them pushed the new delivery ETA to 25-May-2011. I'm not in a big rush to get the laptop, so no biggie here. But, it does reveal the backlog/demand for the laptop.

I think over the years I've ordered about 5-10 Dell desktops or laptops, either for myself or for clients, and the computer ALWAYS showed up several days BEFORE the original estimated delivery date. Interesting that this is different. (Again, I'm not complaining; I half expected it, having ordered the L702X not long after release.)

Sorry to hear about the delay for you folks in the UK. Hang tight; your time will come.

53 Posts

May 7th, 2011 02:00

Just as a brief thought regarding the monitor if AG is not your thing and you prefer the gloss True Life you can change them over but I would certainly recomend the Optimus, Sandy Bridge is looking very impressive so far. I am not surprised to hear the 3D machines running of the Nvidia all the time are experiencing heating issues,

Definitely recommend Optimus.hey every one in the UK you will be probably be able to get Ivy Bridge at this rate you may be better waiting I have heard that it is another 20 to 30 %  faster than Sandy Bridge, then I will be jealous :emotion-12:

May 8th, 2011 00:00


 if I understand the Dimm,Slot issue corectly it is available with 2Dimm & 4Dimm depending on the configuration before you purchase. Meaning if you choose for example an 8,G-2Dimm configuration you would get a laptop with 4Dimm but only 2 of them would be soldered& usable, atleast this is what i've been lead to believe. So when I ordered  My L702X I was sure to order with one of the 4Dimm configuration options "there was several available options".  I opted for the 12Gig 4Dimm option what I recieved was quite interesting. I got 12 Gig and it Has Use of all 4Dimm but they suprised me with how they "Dell" deligated the ram instead of 4 - 3Gig cards I got 2 - 4Gig and 2 - 2Gig cards. I found this to be quite odd for I thought it best to disribute Ram evenly. or did I just make that up. Any way Hope this helps with your research. I just purchased myL702x 3D about 12 days ago. and was rather pissed to learn that optimus and widi were disabled. and so far the research ive done leads me to believe that it has more to do with the lack of the internal Intel Graphics than it does to do with the 3D screen the Resolution, or anything else along those lines. I would ask, before I go If you would post any other info you dig up about these two options. because Im looking into the possibility of enabling them myself with the help of some smarter people/Nerds than myself. If you still need Part #'s you can contact me via  Email <ADMIN NOTE:Email id removed per privacy policy>Thanks in advance.

53 Posts

May 8th, 2011 02:00

Hi Phatboy 

I might be able to clear up a couple of points for you, the Dimm issue is that the 3D option came with 4 slots and the non 3D option has 2 slots, the reason that they are 2 and 4 gig and not 3 gig is to do with how binary works eg the numbers used  say an 8 bit are 8 rows of zeros and ones  the first column being for 0 the next is for 1 the next is for 2 the next for 4 the next for 8 then 16, 32 etc and the decimal or base 10 number conversion used for this are 0 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 etc that gets converted to base 16 or hexadecimal but I will spare you an explanation Sorry to be geeky but  that is an example of the technical reason why you received 2 and 4 gig dimms and not 3 gig. It is a lot of Ram you will be right for some time.

Yes you are right Optimus isnt enabled with the 3D version which is a big point with most of the people in this discussion, briefly Optimus switches graphics tasks between the dedicated Nvidia that your machine has to the new Intel CPU which handles slower operations from the CPU for non demanding graphics tasks and is swithched over to  the Nvidia graphics system for more demanding tasks such as video, games etc..the major advantages of this are better battery life and less heating as the Intel CPUs are not as energy demanding as the Nvidia.

Your major concern from that will be your batteries wont last as long and that you may experience more heating, I would be interested to know if that has been an issue in non demanding tasks.  You really should get a good quality laptop cooling pad for your system. Your screen will also be glossy True Life which probably has better graphics than the matt Anti Glare that the non 3D has.

The WiDi is not enabled in the 3D either for some reasons they couldnt do this with 3D version.  The WiDi is only on 2720QM cpus and above the 2630 doesnt have it.  That means you wont be able to transmit your system wirelessly onto a TV that would need a receiver for that purpose will need to use a cable like HDMI for using it on a TV.

Be careful trying to activate Optimus and WiDi there may be reasons why thet couldnt activate them but good luck with it I would be interested to know how you go with it and if heating is an issue for you.

Basically the bottom line is that as mentioned you may not have as good as battery life which none of these big fast laptops have anyway and that have you may experience heating and have to keep the system cool possibly you may be ok I have not used a 3D system mine is non 3D so it has optimus.  And you will need to connect to a TV with a HDMI cable or similar you wont be able to do it wirelessly.with the WiDi.

Hope that helps clear a bit of that up its not to bad as long as your system is not overheating you have a fantastic machine :emotion-2:




May 11th, 2011 00:00

Hey Cam thanks for posting such great info up here for everyone...


Why, why, why, why, why,why, why,why, why,why, why,why, why,why, why,why, why,why, why,why, why,why, why,why, why,why, why,why, why,why, why,why, why,why, why,why, why,why, why,why, why,why, why,why, WWWHHHYYYYY,???????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am totally going mental about this. Why will no computer manufacturer on EARTH give us in the UK the same option you get elsewhere??!! WHY??

All I want is a 17inch 1080p Sandy Bridge laptop with all the features that offers plus at least a G550 graphics card in a chassis that does not look like a teenage gamers wet dream (Asus G73 I am looking at you). Why is that spec so totally impossible to realise in the UK? WHY?!? it makes no sense. All over the world you can get the Dell XPS 17 for this or the New HP Envy 17 but not in the UK now for months, and months, and months and months!!! WHY? Why can you get it in France, why can you get it in the Neatherlands, why not in the UK?


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