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This post is more than 5 years old


8 Posts


February 16th, 2007 14:00

popping/skipping of ripped files

hi-im having problems playing back ripped files in my inspiron 1501. (using WMP 11 library Vista HP os) no matter how long the track is, when there is exactly 20 seconds left, the music is interrupted by a 2-3 skip . now manually ffwd/rwding thru the last portion of each track reveals that the rip went fine- its in the playback. playing the track in Winamp, etc is a little bit better-popping is reduced
(as long as there rent too many other things going on) and it doesnt skip-but the library was actually
one of microsoft preinstalls that i liked! anyone else going thru something similar?

April 10th, 2007 19:00

Oddly enough, disabling it has completely fixed my sound.

41 Posts

April 11th, 2007 01:00

I do not recommend disabling PowerNow!. It will result in MUCH shorter battery life, and will increase the temperature of your laptop (resulting in the fans being on higher power for longer periods of time).

I don't know why that could fix the problem, but unless your laptop is always connected to the wall and you don't mind the fan noise, I would leave PowerNow! on.

5 Posts

April 11th, 2007 02:00

disabling the powernow! function did fix my audio, no more popping/cracking even w/o the cable plugged in, which is fantastic, thanks for posting japan 2ch!
only drawback is a lot less battery life, power goes down pretty quickly, and the computer does run much hotter, which cant be good either.
can win them all, but the clean audio sure does sound good.  probably best to enable powernow! if you dont plan on having the computer plugged in for a while.
I hope there is possible fix out there still that would not result in sacrificing low battery power and a hot computer for good sound quality.

10 Posts

April 11th, 2007 03:00

If you want to control CPU power, try "CrystalCPUID", free software which let us control CPU performance manually. It is easy to change back to maximum or other CPU setting so that you can control the power as you need.
The software is kind of based on Japanese; I am not sure if it shows you proper view.
I don't know if there is English based one.
When I tried minimum CPU performance, the CPU temperature was less than 44C even running heavy programs long time.
That's all tricks I know for the problem.

April 11th, 2007 03:00

I try to use that, and Vista claims it 'needs' a digitally signed driver.

Message Edited by StereoHeathen on 04-10-2007 11:31 PM

10 Posts

April 11th, 2007 03:00

I found out that "CrystalCPUID" has English language manu.
Try that out if you are interested in CPU power saving.
This is unformal fixing of the problem, or temporary solution. Please make sure before you try that out.

10 Posts

April 11th, 2007 03:00

You need to disable driver signature enforcement to use this software.

April 11th, 2007 04:00

Eh, I don't feel like trying that hard for something the computer can already do on its own, even if its own does kind of mess up the sound.

10 Posts

April 11th, 2007 05:00

Using that software, you can use at maximum performance with plug-in at home.
When you use your PC with battery outside, you can use at minimum performance and save power, even more than PowerNow! does.
But you still have to change the performance manually when you need performance changing. This is the drawback of the solution with PowerNow! OFF and using the software.

5 Posts

April 11th, 2007 05:00

cool thanks for the link, my cpu is running at about 46 C with the powernow! turned off, my laptop is still running pretty hot though, and the fan is on non-stop.  I tried changing settings in crystalcpuid, but I dont think it did anything.  if you right click on the icon on the task bar there are options for minimize,  maximize, middle, but the icon does not change color when I select these, so not sure if they are working.  do you have you to change settings in the multiplier managment settings?

10 Posts

April 11th, 2007 05:00

Set the CPU power config at "multiplier management setting" from "file" on main dialog.
Then you can choose max. middle, or minimum by quick multiplier on the task bar right click.
Make sure "Multiplier management" OFF. Its function is the same as Powernow! so it makes the same noise as one made by PowerNow!. I have already confirmed that.
When you are using quick multiplier, the icon colour does not change, but it is working.
You can check the clock change on Main dialog by refreshing from "edit".

5 Posts

April 11th, 2007 05:00

thank you, seems to be working, now I just have to find the sweet spot to where the audio wont blip out

10 Posts

April 12th, 2007 01:00

I found another solution, but still based on the same trick.
If you don't feel like change any BIOS settings, try this out.
-Change power plan to "Power saver" or "High performance" rather than "Balenced".
(PowerNow! is enabled at BIOS setting)
You can do the power plan change at "Control panel > Power option".
This also fixes the sound problem.
"Balanced" enables PowerNow! for Turion 64 which controls CPU performance on demand changing clock number and/or voltage. This probably causes the sound problem.
"Power saver" disables PowerNow!, and makes CPU run at minimum performance (800MHz for TL-56).
"High performance" also disables PowerNow!, and makes CPU run at maximum performance (1800MHz for TL-56).
 I have confirmed there is no noise with "Power saver" and "High performance" settings.
When you need PowerNow!, change power plan back to "Balanced".
This is still temporary fix, but rather proper way than that with software, isn't it?
Anyway, I hope Dell or MS fix this problem completely.

April 12th, 2007 02:00

On my Inspiron 1501, the popping does seem to be almost gone.  I'm hearing a little tiny bit of stuff, but I'm not for sure if it's the same popping.  I don't want my display shutting off after 3 minutes though with the power saver plan.  Can I change that without it unfixing the popping?
Thanks for the share on the fix!

10 Posts

April 12th, 2007 02:00

Try "High performance".
Some music or movie files require much performance than that at "Power saver"; CPU cannot handle it, and then plays with some noise or mess.
If you still have the same problem, I recommend to try the other solutions posted on this thread.
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