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This post is more than 5 years old


8 Posts


February 16th, 2007 14:00

popping/skipping of ripped files

hi-im having problems playing back ripped files in my inspiron 1501. (using WMP 11 library Vista HP os) no matter how long the track is, when there is exactly 20 seconds left, the music is interrupted by a 2-3 skip . now manually ffwd/rwding thru the last portion of each track reveals that the rip went fine- its in the playback. playing the track in Winamp, etc is a little bit better-popping is reduced
(as long as there rent too many other things going on) and it doesnt skip-but the library was actually
one of microsoft preinstalls that i liked! anyone else going thru something similar?

June 2nd, 2008 19:00

Was this problem ever solved as I have a new Inspiron 1720 and it does the exact same thing.

41 Posts

June 3rd, 2008 18:00

Well it was solved by many of us, many different ways. This thread contains several solutions. The latest, and probably the best, is to get the most recent drivers for your video card. If you have an Nvidia card, check - I don't know about ATI or Intel integrated, sorry. Also, make sure the rest of your drivers are installed and are the most recent. Especially, if you rebuilt your system, make sure the Intel chipset drivers are installed (unless you have an AMD processor - does Dell sell those? why would you buy one anyway? lol).


I don't know why the video card drivers seem to be related, but they do. Another solution has been to disable 802.11a. There are instructions earlier in this thread. Please read through the thread - I know it's long, but it will be well worth your time as you will see many different solutions, and please try them all.


If, at the end of all the solutions and suggestions, you can't figure it out (and remember - make sure you have the most recent drivers for everything!!), then I suggest contacting Dell and asking for their assistance. This problem has been going on so long that they probably know the correct workaround to 'fix' it.


I haven't had this issue in a long time. I don't know specifically what I'm doing right, but I do have all the latest drivers installed (and I update them regularly), and I have 802.11a disabled just as a precaution (and because I don't use it or need it).


Also please notice the Dell representative a few posts back (or maybe a few pages back by now?) who said to post your issue in another thread unique to your system or problem. This was a real general thread, but apparently there are a few possible problems with different solutions but the same symptoms... So look elsewhere in this category for a thread specific to your computer.


Finally, just FYI, I have an E1705. So this whole post is based on my personal experience with that computer. I don't have the more recent 1720 (nor do I want one... full keyboard? nvidia 8000 series? pretty colors? none of them appeal to me) but there may be other problems or solutions for them. So again, check the thread relevant to that specific computer.


Good luck solving your problem!

-Ricky C.

1.1K Posts

June 3rd, 2008 18:00


Ricky_C summarized it well.

There are multiple fixes across various platforms on this thread, and as a result, it makes it hard to both find your particular issue and appropriate fix.

If you are having audio issues with your system, please post a *new* thread to include system type, OS and description of symptoms you are seeing. This will allow for a quicker resolution from board members and help isolate any unique issues that are encountered.

With that, I am going to lock this thread to better allow others to seek immediate assistance per the instructions above. This is in no way meant to silence anyone who continues to have issues, or those that have in the past.
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