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This post is more than 5 years old


June 13th, 2009 19:00

Studio 1737 DPC Latency

Hello! My Studio 1737 is showing the DPC Latency problems described as in this thread:

Symptoms include periodic crackle and popping sounds during audio playback. The problem is most severe with wireless broadband enabled and disabling it greatly helps but does not completely solve the problem.

Research on the web shows this is a fairly widespread problem known to affect Studio laptops, and that BIOS upgrades have resolved the problem for other computers including Dell's XPS line.

So I'm hoping this will be fixed soon. Has anyone been able to get information from Dell support about whether this will be fixed with a BIOS update for the 1737?



5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

September 30th, 2009 15:00


Glad to hear you will be getting a vaca.  You clearly deserve it.  Just to clarify my original question, I was assuming since you were part of the Studio support team you would be aware of the newest Studio laptop (Studio 1747).  I noticed that while the specs were generally the same as the Studio 1737, the the hardware manufacturers were very different from the majority of other Studio laptops.  I was wondering if you knew whether the Studio 1747 performs better in the DPC area than previous Studios?  Thanks and take care.




Sorry for replying out of order. My support involvement on Consumer platforms is generally limited to products already released to market. I do not get much of a preview at all on Consumer stuff. Recently management changed my area of focus to Enterprise Client platforms- Latitude, Optiplex, Precision- so my "new Consumer product" kung foo (EDIT: I had to change the spelling because the smut filter doesn't like the correct spelling. Go figure.) is not so strong as it used to be. It's just this issue has been on my radar since well before the change was made, and I can't stand unfinished business, so here we are having a good old time together. :emotion-5:


I checked the training pages for a 1747, and nothing was posted. They usually do not update the internal training pages until right at Release to Market, so that's to be expected. However, and I guess this is where you are seeing information, we have already posted the service manuals, owners' manuals and technology guides here. So, I guess it won't be long before I officially know a thing or two about it. I will see if I can get my hands on one when I get back from vacation, and we'll see what DPC Latency Checker thinks about it.

5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

September 30th, 2009 15:00

seems obvious to me, AVOID DELL !!! they have had plenty, plenty , plenty of time to resolve something simple like , i dont know, something that should never have been an issue, did they think selling something called studio that had no audio capabilities would fly, run, hide, stay away from dell. but thats just my two cents. anyone getting one [edited for ToS violation] is off their rocker. if it says dell, stay away. i have been jerked around by them for over a year, and nothing. any questions ?



That's your 2 cents more than once. Please stop spamming. I am sorry about your poor experience with the laptop. We are working on it.

56 Posts

September 30th, 2009 15:00

FYI, I removed my WLAN card just to see if it would have any effect but it was still spiking. (1737 Model)

10 Posts

September 30th, 2009 17:00

I have NEVER had a problem with my 6000's doing DJ work, and thats why I have 5 of them.  I just clone the HD and away they go if need be!  I just wish I could see a 48 bit addressing drive onthe 6000, as it is limited to 137 GB, and reallythat means 120 GB.  If Dell would do a BIOS for the 6000 for the larger drive, I would be a hapy camper!!!!

My Mac has been ROCK SOLID as well, so I am doing a HD for my 1750 in Hacintosh OSX to see how that will run as well.  I dont know if this will help, but har anyone run a external audio card on the 1373?  Either a USB version like the Maya 44 card or something FireWire for more solid throughput?  Built in audio never is really the way to go, sometimes it is OK, bit you know what I mean.

13 Posts

September 30th, 2009 20:00

just wanted to apologize to anyone thinking that expressing an opinion is spamming, mainly people covering up for dell, if a year is not enough time to address a problem then indeed there is a problem, and once again stay away from dell, i just had a three hour conversation with the supervisor at support. and i will give my two cents as many times as i feel the need to warn people of the issues so they can avoid a bad situation. since there will be no resolution dont get your hopes up and stay away from an inferior product. hope no one , important anyway is offended by this FACT. sorry bill, if you cant fix it just say so. so please quit spamming and saying there is a fix on its way..... any questions.

11 Posts

October 1st, 2009 02:00


Dude come on this is a community for help and support on the issue not a hate campaign, im sure that if people dont want to use Dell they wont, the people who are here want to find a fix so......

Anyway guys a bit of good news for you guys after many hours of testing i have found a solution that many will be happy with.

I must warn you that this is not 100% allowed but your risk! BTW this does not affect you dell warranty in anyway though!

Most of you will have heard of hackintosh (for those of you who dont know, you can actually install Apple Mac OSX on your studio 17xx, 15xx), there are many diffent "distros" out there but the best i have found for the studio series is..

iAtkos 10.5.2 and kalyway 10.5.x (all kalyway seems ok)

i cant put link to these for obvious reasons! but your friend will  be Google.

also there is a "1735 driver pack for OSX" which also works for the 1737


and if you have the radeon 3650 then look for "TEST1 3650 OSX" this is a driver which enables full support.


This is probably all i am allowed to say on this matter but all i can say is it is tested, working is very very fast so spend a little time with Google and you soon be in the picture. Oh did i forget to mention NO DPC LATENCY SPIKES in osx on studio laptops, tested with many Pro Audio Apps smooth as a whistle!!!

p.s. Nearly all Dells run osx flawlessly

2 Posts

October 1st, 2009 06:00

dudexsnave: i dont agree with you when you say that we should not express our frustration here because "this is a community for help".

Nothing could have been more helpful for me than having read that kind of comments before buying my laptop.

5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

October 1st, 2009 07:00

just wanted to apologize to anyone thinking that expressing an opinion is spamming, mainly people covering up for dell, if a year is not enough time to address a problem then indeed there is a problem, and [edited for ToS violation], i just had a three hour conversation with the supervisor at support. and i will give my two cents as many times as i feel the need to warn people of the issues so they can avoid a bad situation. since there will be no resolution dont get your hopes up and stay away from an inferior product. hope no one , important anyway is offended by this FACT. sorry bill, if you cant fix it just say so. so please quit spamming and saying there is a fix on its way..... any questions.


You continue to say the same thing in almost all of your posts. This is a violation of the Terms of Service, which you agreed to when you registered at this site.

  • "Contains ... spam, ...or any other solicitation..."


You are free to express your dissatisfaction, and frankly, we encourage it. It becomes a problem when you do it over and over and over. If you feel you have more to say on the topic, I'll be glad to get with you in PM, give you my email or get on the phone with you and have any type of conversation you want. If you ask around to people on these forums who've known me for the last 3 years, I think you will find, given some modicum of respect and tolerance, I'm your advocate and not the object of your frustration.


5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

October 1st, 2009 08:00

It worked. I got your PM's. Scroll up to the top of the page. Hit "Expand User Panel" at the top right. Expand "Your Private Conversations," and you will see the 2 PM's you have sent me. I can't do anything about lost business or time spent on the issue, but just try to keep it civil and talk to me. I got you covered on what I can cover.

5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

October 1st, 2009 08:00

" i have already talked to as high up as it gets and i am getting my issue resolved"


I beg to differ. You are not talking to as high up as it gets, and I'll bet you dollars to doughnuts the resolution is not anything that approaches an equitable solution in your mind. Am I right about the equitability of the solution? You think you got a fair shake?


If you want to discuss your situation in detail with me, click my name on the left of this post and hit the "Send a Message" button.

13 Posts

October 1st, 2009 08:00

hey bill,

you are not the object of my frustration at all, it is obvious you try your best to fix this stuff, but to say i say the same thing is like saying your not saying over and over there will be a fix, right. i have already talked to as high up as it gets and i am getting my issue resolved, unfortunately with runarounds and bull.. dell dont seem to want to step up and do whats right. i told them what i would do and what i am capable of yet they want to put it off and avoid it. people need to know what they are getting into with dell and be aware of the type of company it is, i said all the good things about dell. did you read what i wrote, i have spoken highly of you as well, so i really dont know what your talking about with me spamming and all that blah. most my post get deleted to keep people from knowing what is going on. it is simple i spent 850, i gave dell a year to fix this, now i am penalized for doing so, dont guess i need to say it anymore as i post on many sites. but as long as googling this issue leads to here then people need to know. so how many more times will i hear there is a fix on the way ? when will i see it for the 1536. i have lost money and clients due to dell, should i not have the right to be angry after getting the runaround for so long. sorry you feel like you do, you seem to be a good guy. and like i said earlier i am not that smart with this stuff and dont know how to reply to just you i just click reply and it goes where it goes. later  and like i told dell i have all day and nite as i can not do any actual work recording as i wait on a fix.

13 Posts

October 1st, 2009 08:00

i tried what you said but it doesnt seem to work sending a message, oh well, as to the equuitablity, they want to give a depreciated refund as i waited too long for them to fix it, guess thats what i get for believing in dell ? i wont settle for it, i am already out and lost my business, home studio due to a lack of a pc to record on, i am already out the hours i have spent on this issue so i might as well return the favor and cause as much grief as they have me.  later. hope i didnt repeat anything.

12 Posts

October 1st, 2009 09:00


Can you elaborate at all on what made you shift your perception so abruptly?  Also, any details on what your resolution was?  It would be helpful to the rest of us.



5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

October 1st, 2009 09:00

Wow, that's quite scary.  Do you think Dell have been experimenting in mind control?

Could they part of the corporate elite?

We're all doomed! ha ha



All ur mind r b3long to us. :emotion-4:

12 Posts

October 1st, 2009 09:00

Wow, that's quite scary.  Do you think Dell have been experimenting in mind control?

Could they part of the corporate elite?

We're all doomed! ha ha

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