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This post is more than 5 years old


1 Message


June 30th, 2005 22:00

The "T" on my 5150 is going crazy

​ Every now and then my T goes nuts- it starts typing over and over. It tends to do it more when I hit backspace or the down arrow, but sometimes it just types it for no reason, and when I quit whatever program I'm in, it goes back to normal. It does it in wordperfect as well as when I type email or am surfing online. I have Windows XP and wordperfect 11, if it makes a difference. Does anyone know if it's possible I unknowingly set some combination of keys on my computer to type the "T", like an accidental function key? ​

806 Posts

July 1st, 2005 14:00

sounds like your keyboard is failing. if it is under warranty, call dell and let the techs troubleshoot it. if it is not under warranty, you can buy a replacement from dell or just get used to lots of extra "t"s in your documents.
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