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This post is more than 5 years old



February 21st, 2014 05:00

Touch Screen not working on Inspiron 7737

I've had my Inspiron 17 for 4 months and noticed today that the touchscreen isn't working.

No idea how long ago the problem started as I generally use the old desktop/touchpad combination

When checking PC settings it now says 'no pen or touch input is available for this display.'

Any ideas


December 19th, 2014 20:00

Thanks for the response.

I Tried all axis; x, y, z, even placing the laptop in the accordion position and using a wireless mouse/keyboard combo but no joy. The auto screen rotation doesn't work. Neither does slapping the display or gently smacking the couch with the laptop. (that was agoodone...)<<--THAT SPACEBAR AGAIN!

Bum hardware. Funky USB hub/port.


January 20th, 2015 10:00

My Dell was sent in to Dell for repair and returned today.
The screen has been replaced and it is now working...but then again it did work the first week when it was brand new also..


March 3rd, 2015 10:00

Same issue. The fix above was for WIndows RT. Not sure why its posted here. Is Dell going to take care of this?

March 3rd, 2015 11:00

In my case I was sure it was a driver/software issue when the problems disappeared sometimes. But infact it was a hardware issue. Dell replaced my screen with another( I can see that it is not exactly the same model on the edges of the screen) as a warranty case. They sent me a box to return the laptop in and a week later it was returned.

So contact dell support and make use of warranty.


1 Message

April 20th, 2015 19:00

It's been almost a full year since this question was asked. Are we any closer to a solution? I got my Dell Inspiron 17 7737 today in the mail and the touchscreen is broken right out of the box.

108 Posts

April 24th, 2015 06:00

The Microsoft drivers for Windows 8.1 USB functionality for the hardware in this machine are unpredictable at best and completely broken at worst.

I moved to Windows 10 Technical Preview and all my driver problems have vanished.

1 Message

June 4th, 2015 09:00

I believe it is a driver/ windows 8.1 update. If I rollback a windows 8.1 update the USB driver will no longer show it has an issue and the touchscreen will start working. The issue is we get window updates all the time I just can't figure which one is causing the driver issue.

1 Message

June 25th, 2015 22:00

Yes there is a glass

October 27th, 2015 04:00

it's a driver problem... just uninstall the "usb- input device" in device manager and let windows do the rest

it worked for me...

3 Posts

October 28th, 2015 14:00

Same here.  Bought my DELL Inspiron 7737 in Jan/14.  I lost the touch screen function in Aug/15.  Even though it is still under the 3 year warranty; DELL is reluctant to do anything.  We have been trading emails back and forth for the last 3 weeks, from 4 different technicians.  And yes....I do agree that I have been getting somewhat arrogant, condescending responses.

I want them to repair it, replace it or give me a full refund.

I should have bought a MAC notebook.  Live & learn.

1 Message

October 28th, 2015 15:00

Same here. I just had to replace my hard drive and after setting up I find I no longer have the touch screen.

While restoring my files from an external hard drive I noticed the message about the usb which was the  error code 43 already mentioned in this forum. I thought it was upset about the external drive at first but that seems to have been a red herring and I suspect it was at that point the touch screen stopped. As I was still setting up I cannot recall if I had used the touch screen prior to that.

Anyway I have just lost a good few hours of my life trawling the web and not finding any solution that works for me so if anyone has solved this please please post.

Under system it says 'No pen or touch input available for this display".

I am up to date with drivers according to dell. Which one controls the touch screen anyway? There didn't appear to be a touch screen specific one.

I can't see anything about touch in the device manager.

When I have tried to follow the suggestion to uninstall the faulty usb in the device manager then restart it just reinstalls immediately. Is there any way around that? I don't have time to restart before it reinstalls itself.

My 1yr warranty was up about 6 months ago. I understand I can buy another to cover myself for up to 4 years from purchase. Does anyone know how much that would cost?

1 Message

December 3rd, 2015 20:00

My Dell 7737 lost touch screen functionality today.  I tried updating drivers and searched the web for hours.  My display was listed as a generic plug and play display (generic pnp).  Others have said the same.

I was looking at some search results over on a Microsoft OS forum and several people had posted that they found it to be a mechanical issue and that they could temporarily fix it by literally smacking the display around.  Not too hard mind you.  So, I tried it, and it worked.  While looking at the device drivers under Human Interface Devices I could see the drivers update almost instantly to show the touchscreen, and then instantly go away, depending on how I smacked the display on the sides or back.  I could also get the touchscreen functionality to come and go by just rotating the display.  For my problem, this is unfortunately a hardware interconnect or broken solder joint issue.  Oh fun. 

1 Message

September 28th, 2016 10:00

I need to replace my touch screen for my 7737 that i drop and cracked. is there any suggestion as to where I can find one

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