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This post is more than 5 years old


March 15th, 2012 09:00

Two laptops trying to fix FOR WEEKS

I)   I can not believe what I did.  One of my  laptops had windows xp the other had windows 2000 but when the monitors blacked out (they are old latitudes the C520/610)  I got a new monitor and reinstalled the windows 2000 operating systems and utilites INTO BOTH LAPTOPS  I did not have the windows xp cds after my company closed.  Now I am stuck even trying to get plugins, internet explorer and service packs above 6.00 and  service packs because maybe Microsoft has fazed out support for many operating systems.  (Which is bs)  I can't get plug ins  plus add ons for modzilla firefox  and adobe flash programs  Can that be fixed.? 

II)   Also, someone posted that I could combine RAM from my two Latitude C510/610 laptops?    Would it be connecting two  ports at the back?  I also have a 8 GB Flash Drive I never used.  Can this help install and run a critical program?  Thanks for helping.*


9 Legend


87.5K Posts

March 15th, 2012 11:00

Windows 2000 is not supported, period.  You need XP, minimum.

You can use a flash drive but it will be dog slow because the system is only USB 1.1.

4 Operator


11.1K Posts

March 15th, 2012 14:00

II)   Also, someone posted that I could combine RAM from my two Latitude C510/610 laptops?    Would it be connecting two  ports at the back? 

Huh? Connecting two ports? I have no clue what you are talking about.

Depending on how much RAM you have in each laptop and how they are configured, you maybe be able to bring over one 256MB stick from laptop #2 and use it in laptop #1 if laptop had one 256MB stick. If both laptops have two 128MB sticks each, then there is nothing you can do.

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