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This post is more than 5 years old


January 3rd, 2018 09:00

Unreasonable Repair Delay

I sent in my Precision 7510 for repair on Dec 15 2017. It was received by Dell on Dec. 18. Since then there has not been any progress. No diagnosis was done, Dell does not know whether this particular repair center in Texas is doing any work. I called in 4-5 times to get a status update and each time I get a slightly different answer. One rep told me they were working on my laptop working out bugs. Another told me the engineers at the repair center were on vacation until Jan. 2 2018. It has been more than 10 business days since my laptop arrived at an official Dell repair center. Numerous e-mails (supposedly) were sent to the center to get a response from any of the engineers at the Texas repair facility, a Dell manager is supposedly on the case and it's been escalated to expedite it. However, on Jan 3 2018, almost 3 weeks after I have been without my workstation Dell cannot produce any information, the engineers are ignoring the manager's direct order to generate status report e-mail. I personally asked tech support rep to get one of the engineers to contact me personally so that I would be able to know what is happening. 

I did not think Dell would be so incompetent, without management control in repair process, and totally disorganized as they have been in the repair process when I decided to buy my Precision 7510. I have asked a manager who is supposedly looking into this to contact me to provide me with some information. So far that has not happened. More than one escalation tickets were supposedly created, but that has not produced any difference. This is my primary workstation on which I depend for all my work and education. I have been hindered because I did not have my primary tool for 3 weeks, and Dell is not doing anything. This is unacceptable and just so lame of a major PC OEM such as Dell.

The laptop began to have video issues in less than a year since I purchased, but I thought and sincerely hoped they could repair it quickly. If any of my friends and colleagues would ask me for computer purchase advice mine will very likely be to stay away from Dell because they are incompetent. 

Another escalation ticket was created just now. This is 3rd or 4th one. I am not sure whether it's going to make any difference. 

4 Operator


11.1K Posts

January 3rd, 2018 12:00

What does your warranty say?

If you need quick turn around there are more expensive warranty options you would need to purchase at time of purchase.

5 Posts

January 3rd, 2018 17:00

It is not about hoping for a quick turnaround but getting a normal repair service. My warranty is good until 2020 although I am not sure exactly what kind it is. A Dell personnel just contacted me via e-mail that my laptop is still sitting at a depot without getting done anything after 3 weeks. This is abnormal irrespective of warranty. Even for out of warranty repair for a fee should not take this long. The personnel added that another ticket was created to contact me directly. This is like the 5th ticket of such kind and I have completely lost confidence in Dell. I am wondering if they had lost my computer at this point.  

5 Posts

January 3rd, 2018 19:00

"Dell Consumer Hardware Service Agreement (for 10–14 Day Mail-in Service..." It has been 16 days since they received my laptop. It is still sitting somewhere in the depot without receiving diagnosis and repair. They do not know what they are doing with it at the repair center in Texas. What is your point?

4 Operator


11.1K Posts

January 3rd, 2018 19:00

you have basic warranty service:  

I suggest you read it.

5 Posts

January 3rd, 2018 19:00

And even if we just count business days it has been 11 days and Dell said they are not sure what is happening in the process. I don't think the chances of getting my laptop back in the time window is quite slim. Are you a Dell advocate?

4 Operator


11.1K Posts

January 4th, 2018 07:00

I am simply saying ranting about "unreasonable " delay without knowing what your warranty service is makes you look silly.

And I said before, if this laptop was very vital to you, then you should have chosen a different warranty service and paid more for it.

All common sense.

As it is, this is a user-to-user forum. The Dell people do post, but they have chosen to ignore your post, so far, so I am not sure what posting here will do for you.

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