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This post is more than 5 years old


May 15th, 2017 06:00

What's the point if it doesn't work ???

First off Dell really needs a computer general room since my question doesn't really have a room to ask. . I have this laptop Dell Inspiron 3162 model . It comes with 32gb eMMC drive . What's the point in having a recovery partition if it doesn't serve its purpose ? And When one does a factory reset it bring the computer back to windows 10 first ever edition, the problem with this is every time one does such one has to update windows to the latest version of 10 which afterwards one doesn't have much space left on the drive 2 or 3 gb .... Why instead doesn't Dell provide the latest edition of 10 for the recovery option, this way one can have the latest without having to update it with the original version and save a lot of space on the hard drive ...



9 Legend


87.5K Posts

May 15th, 2017 07:00

The recovery partition is designed to return the system to the state it was in when it left the factory.

Once you have the system set up, updated and patched fully, you can easily make your own recovery image any number of ways -- on an external drive.  Keep that up to date and a recovery can be done in just a few minutes - right down to every detail you've customized.  There's just no way a manufacturer can ship out recovery images and keep them updated for every model it sells.

6 Posts

May 15th, 2017 09:00

When I got this unit brand new a few months ago later I try doing a factory reset with the recovery partition and couldn't completed, it said something down the line missing files or it couldn't be done, can't really remember but I know it wouldn't work . I was left doing a recovery reset by getting the recovery from Dell website for my model, download and loaded on a flash drive .... Now you say we can create our own recovery but doesn't that void the warranty ? I thought you have to use the dell recovery from there website or normally within the unit partition but since my doesn't work I'm left with the flash drive option

6 Posts

May 15th, 2017 09:00

When I first try the recovery within the unit partition I got an error

There was a problem resetting your PC

An internal error occurred. The following information might help you resolve the error:

The system cannot find the file specified ( 0x80070002 )

Then I try doing a system restore, that didn't work

System Restore

To use System Restore, you must specify which Windows installation to restore

Restart this computer, select an operating system, and then select System Restore

Then I try the repair options, which again it didn't work ... So I more or less said ***

Startup Repair

Startup repair couldn't repair your PC

Press Advanced options to try other options to repair your PC or Shut Down to turn off your PC. Log file.

Reset this PC

The drive where Windows is installed is locked. Unlock the drive and try again

Community Manager


2.3K Posts

May 15th, 2017 10:00

Hi Paul,

On this system if you downloaded the recovery media from Dell you can use that and not void the warranty using the flash drive you have setup, but if you have any trouble using the restore please let me know. 

As a side note, due to the hard drive size of these systems there will not be a conventional restore partition as there are on systems with larger drives, and this is why a USB key must be used.

If you have any trouble using the recovery software you have downloaded from the site please private message me your Service Tag and I will be happy to look into this further.

Best regards,


52 Posts

May 15th, 2017 12:00

Hi Brad ... I have no problem using Windows 10 Home - 64-bit for Compact OS with the Dell OS Recovery Tool unto my flash drive but my concern is what's the point in having a recovery partition on the laptop drive if that ain't working ? And, since you obviously know I don't have much space on this drive. I'm curious to know  why is Dell using the Compact OS  ( Original old version ) ? This version is the older version which require updating and once one does he/she is left with hardly any space left on the drive . I'm curious will Dell update this version on their website to the latest version, Or what's the best approach  ? Thanks

PS I do hope you pass this on to whom but Dell should really have a general computer room...

52 Posts

May 15th, 2017 15:00

My point with the recovery partition is one doesn't need to use the recovery image from Dell website . Its probably best just to use the Recovery Tool  and download the latest windows 10 from Microsoft website, no ?

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