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March 5th, 2015 06:00

XPS L520X USB 3.0 ports not working following teardown and upgrade to 8.1


I have an XPS 15 L520X bought 2011, running W7 pro 64 bit. Lately it started to slow down and overheat.

I opened it up as shown in this video:

I carried out the following changes:

- Reapplied thermal paste to CPU and GPU
- Dusted heatsinks and fan
- Replaced BIOS battery
- Installed brand new RAM
- Installed brand new SSD
- Updated BIOS to latest on Dell website (version A12)
- Installed W8.1 Pro 64 bit, and all drivers I could find from Dell/Intel/Nvidia websites.

At the moment the left and back USB 3.0 don't work at all.
I tried several host controller drivers, I tried unticking the power management disable, I tried taking the BIOS battery off. I have no unknown devices in device manager apart from the free fall sensor which I don't need anymore since I have an SSD. All USB related options in the bios are enabled, but if I try to boot from these ports via USB drive they are completely ignored, and it seems they are not at all powering at any point (connected to a multimeter)

Everything was working perfectly before and I'm quite sure I didn't break anything during disassembly.

Can anyone suggest further steps to diagnose/fix the problem?

9 Legend


87.5K Posts

March 5th, 2015 06:00

This system uses an add-in USB 3.0 controller.  The driver you need is this one:

< >

If that doesn't get the ports going, next would be to replace the USB 3.0 I/O board:

< >

One of those two options should get the ports working again.

March 5th, 2015 09:00

The picture of the replacement board made me want to examine the ribbon cable connection, so I opened the laptop again, and saw the ribbon cable that was connecting it to the MB was a little bit offset.

I reconnected it properly and now the ports are working, so it was human error all along.

Thanks for the help!


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