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May 18th, 2015 17:00

XPS13 2015 Headphone Jack not working

My XPS13 9343 headphone jack is not working.  I've re-installed the default audio drivers but no luck.  I ran the diagnostic tools and it reads my headphones microphone but will not play audio thru them.

3 Posts

October 5th, 2015 12:00

Not only is the headphone jack not working, but the video card stops working and causes issues, the machine decides to sleep when it wants to and waking up on its on free will. The left touch pad works intermittently, and when I did a diagnostics, the report said the video card and touch pad failed. I have had two separate calls with support. One installed some drivers, the other updated the bios. Now tell me, how can a three week machine need the bios updated. For close to $3,000, the machine should not have these many issues.

1 Message

October 9th, 2015 12:00

I was able to solve this issue as follows (Windows 8.1): 

- open the Windows Task Manager (ctrl+alt+del - Task manager)

- go to the Startup tab

- make sure all audio related tasks are enabled (mine had realtek audio manager disabled)

- restart

After that, you can open the Dell Audio control panel again. I did a "reset defaults" and that fixed it. Popup is appearing again when I plug in my headset. 

3 Posts

October 12th, 2015 03:00

- open the Windows Task Manager (ctrl+alt+del - Task manager)

- go to the Startup tab

- make sure all audio related tasks are enabled (mine had realtek audio manager disabled)

- restart

Works like a charm! (Windows 10)

Well done!

10 Posts

October 12th, 2015 11:00

I was able to solve this issue as follows (Windows 8.1): 

- open the Windows Task Manager (ctrl+alt+del - Task manager)

- go to the Startup tab

- make sure all audio related tasks are enabled (mine had realtek audio manager disabled)

- restart

After that, you can open the Dell Audio control panel again. I did a "reset defaults" and that fixed it. Popup is appearing again when I plug in my headset. 

This worked for me as well.  Windows 10.  Thank you!!

1 Message

October 13th, 2015 02:00

Thank you for this. Worked a treat. (Windows 8.1).


2 Posts

October 13th, 2015 06:00

On Win 10 I can see Dell Audio control panel in start menu but when clicking on it it doesn't open up a window - should it? All audio related task were already active.

2 Posts

October 13th, 2015 06:00

It opens a window for me on Win10. I had gotten the Dell Audio control panel working on Win 8.1 before upgrading.

3 Posts

October 13th, 2015 19:00

It worked for me. Thanks!

1 Message

November 5th, 2015 02:00

I have XPS13 (9343). First thing I did was upgrade to Windows 10.  Went to use my earphone and sounds keeps coming out the speakers.  About an hour on phone to Dell trying drivers and other diagnostics - all to no avail. They suggested i go back to Win 8.1 (even though I never tried them in 8.1).

Only way I can get earphones working is to Sleep the laptop, plug in the earphone, and turn on again.  Removing earphones goes back to speakers, but only way to then go back to earphones is to sleep, plug them in and wake up.

Talking of waking up - come on Dell, give us a fix for this!

1 Message

December 12th, 2015 08:00

For a Windows 8 Dell machine, hit the Windows key, in the upper right corner click the search icon, type in audio, click Dell Audio, select  Advanced, select Jack Information, check Enable auto popup dialog, when device has been plugged in, unplug your speaker or headphone jack, then plug it back in and the system will recognize the new input. To ensure your speakers are enabled, while still in Dell Audio, select Speaker/Headphone, then select Speaker setup. You should now see two areas 1. Configuration and 2. Device Model. Click the Auto Test button and the sound should now come from your external speakers. 

1 Message

January 27th, 2016 22:00

Worked for me! So simple. Appreciate it.

April 9th, 2016 00:00

Dear Dell,

Do you have a XPS 9550 at your disposal?  Could you see if your audio is working?  If so plug in a headphone and see if it works then?  Unplug it and see if it works then?  If it does please tell me how you got it to do that.  Thanks.

1 Message

July 12th, 2017 17:00

I can confirm that removing dell support assist and rebooting fixes this problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Rebooting alone did not fix this problem.)  See Adobe822's answer above.

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