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January 12th, 2015 00:00

New XPS 13 + Sputnik?

When can we expect the Sputnik version of the new XPS 13?

7 Technologist


538 Posts

January 12th, 2015 06:00


All I can say is soon :)


15 Posts

January 12th, 2015 17:00

Awesome, looking forward too it. I bought the last generation of the Sputnik XPS 13, but decided not to keep it because of the coil whine issue. Hope it's resolved now

350 Posts

January 13th, 2015 13:00

In case anyone's wondering about whether 4k displays work with the new XPS 13:

15 Posts

January 13th, 2015 21:00

You sure that's not an Ubuntu thing rather than an XPS 13 problem? If it's a problem with the XPS 13, I might just opt for the lower monitor for better battery life. Hope the Sputnik-version offers us a choice and doesn't stick us with one or the other :P

3 Posts

January 15th, 2015 16:00

Is there any reason to wait for the release versus purchasing an xps 13 and installing ubuntu on it yourself?

350 Posts

January 15th, 2015 18:00

Some top reasons to wait would be:

- You want support for running Ubuntu versus just installing it yourself.

- Because not everything makes it in time for Ubuntu's release cycle, some stuff needs backporting, which Dell does for you so that the system works out of the box.

- You have ideological reasons (like me--I'm one of "those guys" here at Dell :)

- You're voting with your wallet, and that really matters here when we're trying to convince people with power at Dell that customers really do want to run Linux.

23 Posts

January 15th, 2015 23:00

will everything work? Including automatic backlight brightness?

January 16th, 2015 01:00

Probably not your department but any idea if the Linux editions are going to be making their way to Australia this time around?

I can easily grab a windows version to wipe and install myself however I figure it's good to show support by buying the Linux one if available.

1 Message

January 16th, 2015 09:00

I'm 100% fine with waiting for the official edition, because having something that works out of the box is great.

That said, how dependent on customizations from Dell are these XPS Developer Editions? If I want to install Fedora on it, will it work fine with all the drivers etc. in the upstream kernel, or does it really require you to run the tweaked version of Linux that comes with the machine?

15 Posts

January 16th, 2015 13:00

I'm waiting for the Sputnik-version just so Dell knows my money is going to support a Linux project, not because I particularly care to buy a Dell :P

About Fedora, I imagine that Dell will push some patches into the kernel they ship with Sputnik on their own, and unless they get these patches upstream, you won't see them in other distributions. That being said, since the XPS 13 is Intel-based, I imagine all of the core functionality is already in the kernel and that the only Dell would probably patch in is getting multimedia keys to work and all that. Pure conjecture on my part though so don't quote me

1 Message

January 17th, 2015 15:00

I am waiting on pins and needles for this one :)

3 Posts

January 17th, 2015 16:00

Same here.

Will the hardware still be customizable when the developer edition is released? Or alternatively is there any specific hardware configuration that the machine will use?

I'm hoping for 8GB memory + 5500u processor.

7 Technologist


538 Posts

January 19th, 2015 09:00


Thanks for the support and stay tuned ;)



1 Rookie


46 Posts

January 19th, 2015 09:00

I can't wait either. I have a Sputnik two versions back and love it. I hope the new Sputnik comes with the high end gear like it did two years ago.

January 19th, 2015 22:00

So I picked up the windows version with the i5 in it. So far great system. In my use so far only issue I have had in Ubuntu 14.10 is no audio. 

Would have waited for the sputnik version but got trigger happy lol. But I will say I am very happy to see Dells support for linux continuing on sputnik. 


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