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This post is more than 5 years old


December 4th, 2006 16:00

24 inch "Gamig monitor"

WellI have desided against getting the Dell 30 inch monitor being I dont want to replace my 7950 GX2. What I would like ot know is what people are seeing from thier Dell 24. I am also looking for input on other brands. This will be a gaming monitor only.

11 Posts

December 4th, 2006 16:00

Chris thanks my friend for being the first ot respond is there any coupons out for this monitor I am ready to order now, ONLY becuase of your great service I have recieved.

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54.4K Posts

December 4th, 2006 16:00


I am happy with mine. Read this .

Community Manager


54.4K Posts

December 4th, 2006 16:00


We had one awhile back. I do not see it now.

17 Posts

December 4th, 2006 17:00

I am on my second 2407 and am disapointed with it. The trail with a grey box on white background is very bad, I am hoping this is just a problem with my monitor again and not the 2407 in general.

The monitor is also very bright and has high saturated light colours. If you have any bloom or HDR effects it takes over :(

Other people seem to be happy though.

6 Posts

December 5th, 2006 07:00

@RedDwarfUK wrote:
The monitor is also very bright and has high saturated light colours. If you have any bloom or HDR effects it takes over :(

Well I am satisfied with monitor brightness for text and graphics/video use. Monitor is 27/50 brightness and nvidia brightness is 36/50 for text usage. I think monitor is good for 27/50 and 50/50 brightness for video playback. Ofcourse nvidia contrast/gamma is also setup correctly to display full color spectrum at gamma 2.2.

Ideal solution would be that you could have 2 brightness settings in monitor (text/graphics modes) with easy switch between them. I wonder why dell doesnt offer this feature.

I have not noticed any trailing.
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