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May 4th, 2005 02:00

2405 High Pitched Squeal

Does anybody else have a high pitched squeal on their 2405fpw monitor? I just ordered one, heard a squeal about 2 days after recieving it. Then I recieved a new one, and it has a louder squeal than the first one. It's not a mind-blowing volume, but a subtle and constant squeal. I probably hear it more because I'm alone in a home-office and it's very quiet and pushed into a corner on my desk. I'm debating on returning it for a refund because I'm somewhat sensitive to the squeal. If everyone elses is super quiet, then I may just try my luck at another RMA if they let me. VERY ANNOYING! :-)

Community Manager


54.4K Posts

October 12th, 2006 15:00


Actually I am in Round Rock, Texas. Just outside of Austin. I have asked Product Group for a run down on the 2405 squeal.

October 12th, 2006 17:00

I have exactly the same issue with brand new 3007 (30" LCD). When the LCD is in max brightness, it squeals. When the brightness is anything than maximum, then it buzzes. I've gone through two replacements already, and they are all buzzers. Guess nothing was learnt.

October 12th, 2006 19:00

Let's see if this makes sense.

A ceiling fan that buzzes, you can correct it by installing a variable resister or what is commonly called a light dimmer switch in the wall, between the ceiling fan and the current supplied. Turn down or dim the light a little and buzzing is gone. In this case too much voltage causes motor to buzz. This is more common in ceiling fans than you would think.

In the case of the monitor 3007, "When the LCD is in max brightness, it squeals. When the brightness is anything than maximum, then it buzzes", it seems poorly regulated power is causing the buzz and sequel sounds. Could be a faulty variable resister, because that's what controls the brightness variation in the brightness control. Whether it’s in a chip or a separate resister, that’s what I would look at first. It could also be a power supply issue alone.

Only skilled electricians or EE's should try to fix this issue, in this case it would be Dell’s Engineers.
Owners and users should take caution and not risk injury or electrocution.

Someone else stated it's like a buzz a faulty florescent light starter makes. Maybe there is a light starter issue here. ???

Thought that might shed some light on the subject. No pun intended.

Good Day.:)

Message Edited by all the facts on 10-12-2006 09:09 PM

7 Posts

October 13th, 2006 07:00

Why does not Dell help me ? They must surely be aware of this "High Pitched Squeal"

I can think of the following scenarios:

1: Dell have no quiet 2405FPW monitors to send me. (Likely)

2: Dell have no quiet newer monitors at all to send me. (This would be really bad)

3: Dell don´t allow me to return them for a refund -otherwise thats a simple solution. (Likely)

4: Dell are trying to "wait me out" - maybe I give up and don´t bother them any more. (Likely)


642 Posts

October 13th, 2006 08:00

Good job in that most of those rediculous posts have gone now apart from 1 on page 41 rsl_mongoose. Look in the reply re: bar.....
If you noticed, melbourne guy & myself argued against that type of behaviour on this (or any) forum. I would think that this type of thing would be outrageous anywhere, not just on this forum.
btw. I have read the rules before my first post ever on this forum & I have the respect to do this on any forum I am a member of. Sometimes rules are way overlooked as in this case & at other times very simple everyday words get wiped.
As I have put many computers together & I research anything I buy or say I have stayed on this forum to help when I can & because of friends that I have made on this forum.
Anyway, I hope things settle down now,

October 13th, 2006 22:00

wincc ,
Keep exchanging at Dell's shipping costs to and from you as they have not corrected the issue yet after two attempts.

Don't let them off the hook, Dell needs to correct the issue at hand.

7 Posts

October 17th, 2006 07:00

all the facts:

Dell don´t send me any new monitors because the case has "escalated", I´m not allowed to speak with a manager(the refuse to give me a phone number to anyone,and they don´t call me back)I have tried with email but the answer is that I have to wait for an answer....
There is not much to do, I have bought my last private DELL and at work (where I´m in a position to buy and/or make recommendations there is no more DELL stuff either).
As you understand I´m extremly dissatisfied.


7 Posts

October 17th, 2006 08:00

I actually got my replacement monitors very quick and very few questions was asked so they should have credit for that, but when I kindly asked for the next replacement to be two silent monitors it suddenly became problems.

I know that this forum is not the right way to communicate with DELL but I have no other option.


Message Edited by wincc on 10-17-2006 04:47 AM

October 17th, 2006 08:00

   It REALLY does look like it's high time for the new Dell Moderator to step in on your behalf, wincc, and exercise whatever influence he possesses, if any, to assist you and satisfactorily resolve your problems.
   It's all very well to remind us of the forum rules, and that's fair enough, but the time for truly meaningful action and honest-to-goodness goodwill to paying customers such as yourself is very much overdue. 

October 17th, 2006 19:00

"because the case has "escalated", To what level? The fact you want Dell to honor the warranty is not an escalaton in itself.

If it's defective and your warranty is valid,
let's see if ChrisM can settle this issue amicably with you.

Your warranty that came with your purchase and is part of the package, as well as deciding factor to purchase the model you did, is a binding contrct with Dell in most parts of the world.
I don't think Dell would want to violate that warranty, would they.

Post any feedback form Dell.
Let's see what happens.

Message Edited by all the facts on 10-17-2006 03:47 PM

642 Posts

October 18th, 2006 07:00

There is always consumer affairs or whatever you guys call it.
This forum, I have been told, is a person to person forum & not a person to dell forum - or so I have been told.
I would send a letter to dell (snail mail) & ask them to rectify the problem asap & say that after a reasonable period with no satifactory response that you are going to take it up with who ever (insert my top line agency). At least a letter is a legal paper isn't it all the facts?

Message Edited by KevinR100 on 10-18-2006 06:51 PM

October 18th, 2006 22:00

Yes, you would have to start a process and get everything in writing. If that's not good enough, then a letter from an attorney should rectify the situation and an amicable solution should follow immediately. Just my opinion, and it works 99% of the time.

7 Posts

October 25th, 2006 04:00


A new email to DELL with my company address,phone# and email did some difference... this time a manager called me and said that they is sending me two NEW monitors and although he could not promise that they were quiet either in the end I should get two quiet ones. Now I have to wait and see ,maybe I get two new 2407WFP´s (btw. are they quiet ??)

October 25th, 2006 05:00

If they are 2407 A03's, they are quiet. Mine are, anyway :)

"Yes, you would have to start a process and get everything in writing."
Yes, starting any kind of paper trail usually gets positive responses form reputable companies.

I try to do business casually and sometimes you just have to step it up a notch.

Post back on what you received and let us know if the issues are resolved.

Message Edited by all the facts on 10-25-2006 01:57 AM

Message Edited by all the facts on 10-25-2006 01:58 AM

7 Posts

November 2nd, 2006 10:00


Two new 2407 A03 just arrived, no more high pitch squeal instead I got a humming sound.... but setting the brightness to 100% made them silent, I think I have to live with that. ;)
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