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April 26th, 2007 08:00

2407WFP - S-PVA or S-IPS?

​ The first 3 revisions (A00, A01, A02) of the 2407WFP used the LTM240L2 panel. ​
​ Revision A03 started using the Samsung HN208 panel. ​
​ And revision A04 now uses the Samsung HN208L6 panel. ​
​ ​
​ If LTM240L2 was S-PVA, are HN208 or HN208L6 S-IPS, or are they still S-PVA? ​
​ ​
​ Im asking because the 2407WFP had pretty bad horizontal viewing angles up until now wich were caused by it's S-PVA panel. If A04 is now S-IPS, that would explain why, to my limited knowledge, they have gotten better. ​
​ ​
​ Hope to be buying a 2407WFP, ​
​ ​
​ Chris ​

87 Posts

April 27th, 2007 02:00

mine a03 HN208 is S-PVA. no doubt. i guess by the panel code, a04 should be s-pva too.

7 Posts

April 27th, 2007 06:00

How do i know for sure?

Community Manager


54.4K Posts

April 27th, 2007 11:00


We can only guarantee that the monitor you purchase meets our specifications. We cannot discuss panels or revisions.

7 Posts

April 27th, 2007 13:00

It would really help me to know..
Is there anyone who does actually know? Ive sent Dell CS an email but they didnt know either.

15 Posts

May 1st, 2007 00:00

Even though Dell won't respond officially...I'll go ahead and tell you that all 2407's are some form of PVA. How can I be so certain? Easy...Dell has always used S-PVA in the 24" size and would have increased the price and/or released a new "08" if they were going with a more expensive 24" S-IPS panel. Of course if they ever do go to IPS for the 24" I would be wary of a switch back to S-PVA just like the current lottery with the 2007WFP. Even though Chris stated above that the "panel meets our specifications"...just be aware that those specification numbers can be massaged a little and each panel/monitor maker uses differing (and sometimes dubious) methods to reach those numbers...especially when it comes to response time, viewing angles and contrast ratios. Bottom line is this..Dell and most other makers think that the average consumer doesn't know,care about or even consider that makers would switch panel types on the same model...that is of course until they purchase 2 or more to go side by side and wonder why there is such a difference.

7 Posts

May 1st, 2007 07:00

But Dell are lying to us. They are telling us that the 2407WFP has the same viewing angles as the 3007WFP S-IPS panel, and what happens is people buy two of the 2407WFP and realize that they cant see the edges of both their monitors because the viewing angles are horrible.
That being said, i think that the viewing angles have gotten better on the 2407WFP through the many revisions the monitor has had.. but i cant confirm this.
I guess the thing i dont understand the most is why they switched to the HN208 and then the HN208L6 panel, and what those panels are - a better version of the S-PVA panel?

15 Posts

May 1st, 2007 12:00

Well, I guess the "HN208L6" could either be a revised version of the same S-PVA panel that was used before..or it could be the newer panel used in the 2407WFP-HC which I assume will have the 92% color gamut. (monitor isn't for sale yet but a pdf of the owners manual can be found for this model)

Community Manager


54.4K Posts

May 1st, 2007 15:00


Every 2407WFP will meet this Viewing angle specification:
+/- 89 (vertical) typ, +/- 89 (horizontal) typ

How is Dell lying?

7 Posts

May 1st, 2007 15:00

So what do u think we should do to dell for lying to us abt the viewing angles?

15 Posts

May 1st, 2007 16:00

It's not really "lying" unless you have some way of accurately measuring the viewing pretty much have to take their word for it. As far as posted specs go...Dell doesn't seem to embellish those numbers like some other companies tend to do because they take the specs directly from the panel manufacturer. (LG/Philips, Samsung, etc..) Except in the case of the 2007WFP where the listed specs are the same as the 2005WFP even though it has a revised version of the LG/Philips S-IPS which is actually closer to 8ms gtg response time than the Dell listed 16ms. The only dishonesty they're guilty of is switching to a different panel technology which may have identical numbers in the specifications but have different characteristics in real world use. For example: the S-PVA 2007WFP may have slightly better black levels (darker and less gray) than the IPS but black detail suffers...also while the up/down viewing angles may be the same...PVA tends to suffer with side to side head motions and those who have gotten the 2007WFP S-PVA say that it isn't the same qulaity as used in the 2407. The average home user may not notice or care about these differences (just as long as it looks better or equivalent to what they were using before)but hardcore users and professionals (that often run multi-monitor setups) have to be more wary going with certain Dell, Samsung and Acer models as these companies have been known to switch panels on certain models.

7 Posts

May 1st, 2007 17:00

To Chris:
You cant sell PVA's and claim that they have the same viewing angles as IPS's.
And it illustrates my point about your lies. PVA's have the worst horizontal viewing angles there are, and there is nothing u can do buy lower the prices of monitors wich have those panels.

Community Manager


54.4K Posts

May 2nd, 2007 19:00


I was just in the lab comparing a 2407WFP (PVA) and a 3007WFP (IPS). The viewing angle of the 2407WFP looks great. The viewing angle of my 2407WFP at home is great. What monitors do you own to backup your statements about PVA?

7 Posts

May 3rd, 2007 05:00

I showed u the monitor in the picture above.
And there is this one from another monitor:
And ive spoken to many ppl who are angry at Dell for telling them that their horizontal viewing angles are perfect when infact they are worse than their old TN panels.
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