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This post is more than 5 years old



November 19th, 2008 11:00


I feel that this is an overall Fantastic product. I woke up to the fact that it had PIP and PBP capabilities. I have found that with DVI-D and HDMI for inputs I cannot get PIP to work. After figuring out the cryptic documentation, I find that with VGA/DVI input the options for the other side are S-video, composite, of component. I ask why this is and is there a work-a-round that will enable me to use DVI and HDMI inputs for PIP and PBP?  

7 Posts

November 19th, 2008 11:00

Not aware of a work around but I agree that it would be really useful if I could have an HDMI and DVI or 2 DVI inputs on screen together though what I really would find useful is the facility for each digital input to have it's own settings so I didn't have to keep altering things.

1 Message

November 19th, 2008 20:00

Hi there. Wondering if you can help me with something - I'm seriously considering buying the 2408WFP but I have one concern: the depth.

The product specs claim the unit is around 8" deep, which seems insane. I'm thinking this might be referring to the box???

I want to hang this on my wall and use it as a digital picture frame (I'll be connecting it to a PC / hiding the VGA cable behind the wall) but if it's 8" deep, it'll look like I've hung a large box on my wall.

Can you tell me how deep this thing actually is?? (not including the stand)


7 Posts

November 20th, 2008 14:00

I would say it's 3 inches and the connections plug in upwards so you don't have to allow extra space for protruding cables.


Regards John


370 Posts

November 20th, 2008 14:00

The 8" number is with the stand.  The monitor by itself is only about 3" before the stand unit is attached.

1 Rookie


2.1K Posts

November 20th, 2008 23:00

i bought the 2408 last week...was suppose to ship today...quess what-DELAYED,,,until the 28th....

3 Posts

November 21st, 2008 01:00


Is your monitor a A01 revision?

Does your monitor have a brighter left side problem?

I had an A00 with that problem and was wondering if it still exists in current rev.

If you look at this website:

Does the left side seem brighter than the rest of the monitor?  It's about a 2 inch lighter band in from the left side.


Especially noticable on dark grey background.

1 Message

November 21st, 2008 02:00

Hi, iam new to this and unable to creat my own thread. So the only way to post is to reply to your therad.

My questions of topic, but i would like to no if dell computers, mainly (dell studio hybrid) will work with any type of wireless network card bought of the shelf from retailers like pc world or are they vender specific?


1 Rookie


2.1K Posts

November 21st, 2008 02:00

the wireless network card should work,,,get a usb one, and you will need an wireless router that is compatible with it.....

1 Rookie


2.1K Posts

November 21st, 2008 02:00

the wireless network card should work,,,get a usb one, and you will need an wireless router that is compatible with it.....

2 Posts

November 22nd, 2008 20:00

Is A01 that latest revision? and is this the version currently shipped by Dell?

Does the A01 revision still have the problem in the A00 and captured on this forum?

I am contemplating buying a 2408WFP and some of the positings very concerning and is thinking of an alternative monitor (Samsung T240HD) instead. Any input/advise is welcome. Thanks.

6 Posts

November 23rd, 2008 00:00

Is A01 that latest revision? and is this the version currently shipped by Dell?

Does the A01 revision still have the problem in the A00 and captured on this forum?

I am contemplating buying a 2408WFP and some of the positings very concerning and is thinking of an alternative monitor (Samsung T240HD) instead. Any input/advise is welcome. Thanks.

I'm in the same boat as you are. There are some rave reviews, and some flat out rants about the 2408WFP. I'm hoping to find one locally that I can take a look at before springing for it. 

The Samsung monitor you mention, however, is different than the Dell in that it has a lower quality TN LCD panel, versus the 2408WFP's S-PVA panel.

1 Rookie


2.1K Posts

November 23rd, 2008 09:00

agree , some of the reviews are great, others not so...what gets me,,,i read one review, stated it was a great gaming lcd, another said it was not made for gaming, and office use only...will find out,,,mine is suppose to ship around the 28th..

1 Rookie


2.1K Posts

November 25th, 2008 10:00

my 2400wfp shipped monday, will get it on friday, the 28th.....fedx ground

1 Rookie


2.1K Posts

November 28th, 2008 13:00

i finally got mine, and am very pleased with it...lots of settings, still don,t have them all figured out...text looks great. going to fun surfing with all this can tell this monitor does not have the lowly TN panel in panels are okay if you don,t have a ton of $, i don,t..but will not look everyday at a tn dead 2 cents so far- nice.

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