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This post is more than 5 years old


May 19th, 2004 00:00


​I would like to buy a great 20 inch monitor. I am not a game player nor a graphic artist but do have an eye for detail. I am not sure how monitors work in terms of their settings. I have a 17 inch CRT right now. ​

​If I were to set my current 17 inch CRT to 1280 x 1024 would the resulting size on my 17 inch monitor screen be the same size I would see on the 20 inch LCD? ​

​Also, I have heard that viewing video and DVD's on an LCD monitor where there is fast movement doesn't work out very well in terms of clear images moving across the scree. Is this true? Is there a way to avoid this from happening?​

​I can afford between $1000.00 and $1200.00 for an LCD. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what might be a great 20 inch LCD monitor, one that does not have miniscule text ( I have 58 year old eyes).​

​I am sure you can tell that I am unsure about how to word things, but my heart is in the right place. Thank you all for any help and suggestions you can make. ​

​Warmly with thanks from Connecticut, Ed​

179 Posts

May 19th, 2004 10:00

First and foremost Ed since you are talking about 20 inch LCD’s does your system have a video card that will drive one? Your video card will need at least 68 MB fast video RAM able to output 1600 x 1200 x 32 @ 60 Hz through a DVI connector. I’m not talking gaming specs here. This is just the price on entry to drive a 20 inch LCD digitally. If you don’t have a video card that’ll match those specs you’ll either need to get one, or suffer the consequences of under driving the LCD panel. 20 inch LCD’s are designed to be digital first, and analog as a backup/last resort. Now, if you’re still interested Dell’s 2001FP is a good choice. It’s fast (low pixel response time), bright (400:1), and sharp. I’ve had a 2001FP since January and have been very happy with the change from a high end CRT. I also love the desk space I’ve gained from the much, much smaller foot print. I’m a racing simulator fan and I’ve seen NONE of the infamous ghosting, screen dooring, and color inaccuracy you’ve probably read about. In fact to a person everyone that has seen my 2001FP is awed by it. However, all is not roses with LCD’s. A lot of people have had pixels die, or stuck on. Knock on wood I’m not one of them. Mine has been prefect. Also a lot of people say LCD’s run hot. I’m an electronics engineer by profession and I can tell you heat and consumer electronics do not live long together. As such I would bet LCD’s do not last near as long as CRTs. Finally, consider that in 5 years you won’t have an option between LCD and CRT. Have you tried to buy an eight track tape lately? Well . . … the same thing will happen to CRTs. One day you won’t be able to find them except in a museum. For example take my work place. 3 years ago there were NO LCDs here. Today the LCD to CRT ratio is 9:1. CRTs only exist on the oldest embedded systems that simply can't drive an LCD. I hope this little blurb helps you. Good Luck!

123 Posts

May 19th, 2004 10:00

Thank you very much Joe Average. I do appreciate your help with this. All thebest, Ed

May 21st, 2004 18:00

Joe, could you verify that you seen no screen-dooring at all, no pixelation, and no faint horizontal lines on light blues and grays? I have been led to believe that this was simply a part of the screen. I own a 2001FP, and I have noticed all those things, but I'm not upset by them quite enough to send it back. However, if these are abnormal I'd like to know so I can do something about it.

Furthermore, could you say what your video card and motherboard are? Mine is a GeForce FX 5950 Ultra, the motherboard is MSI.


179 Posts

May 24th, 2004 10:00

   I see screen dooring if I put my nose up next to the monitor when an all white background is shown, but otherwise NO! Blues and grays? I have no idea what you mean, so that must be a NO too! Mobo is an ASUS P4PE/L with a ATI 9700 PRO 64MB. My 2001FP remains as advertised to date. It hasn't missed a beat and I expect it to stay that way. 

May 24th, 2004 15:00

I got my return authorization today. I very disheartened by the whole thing. I thought this was going to be the perfect monitor, like a 2000FP only better. However, I think the 2000FP is the better of the two, having done lots of work on them at school and had this one for a few weeks. I'm glad to hear it is working out well for you though. I would be overjoyed if it did for me.
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