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January 10th, 2016 01:00

S2415H Power Adapter part number and possibly how to purchase a replacement?

I have misplaced my power adapter while moving and cannot figure out what adapter I need to purchase, either 3rd party or from dell (if they sell them). 

My monitor is the S2415H, but on the back it is listed as S2415Hb. Not sure if there is any difference.

I attempted to chat/email technical support, but the monitor has no service tag and the serial number did not work so I simply cannot contact technical support which is current closed via phone. If anyone who owns the same monitor could help or if dell support can provide the part number it would be appreciated. I would like to order one ASAP as I currently cannot use my PC without it.

Community Manager


54.4K Posts

January 11th, 2016 06:00

1XRN1 = 65w A/C adapter
K260C = Power cord

Community Manager


54.4K Posts

January 10th, 2016 13:00

I will not have the USA part number until tomorrow morning when I go into the office. But I found this one on eBay.

2 Posts

January 10th, 2016 19:00

Thanks. That one doesn't look like the one that came with my monitor. This one looks similar, but if other adapters are compatible I'd rather purchase one that isn't so expensive. It seems like other adapters for sell monitors should work with the s2415h like the s27xxxx, etc as they look the same. Any info like the part number or if other monitors came with the same adapter would help a lot .
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