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February 10th, 2021 12:00

S2721HGF, OSD and power button not working?


I'm having an issue where none of the OSD buttons on the back are working along with the power button not working as well. I've had this monitor for 2 weeks and the buttons worked fine before today. The monitor still works fine and I am able to change some of the settings through Windows but the OSD and power button not working is a huge inconvenience for me. I have looked through many forums to find a solution and none of them work. At first I thought that there might have been a hidden lock feature but I could not find anything about a lock feature for this certain monitor. If anyone could help me out that would be fantastic. Again I have the S2721HGF Curved 27" with the 5 OSD buttons on the back.



25.2K Posts

February 18th, 2021 22:00

Hi there, We want to make sure your system is working fine and hence following up. Having said that, we do not want to disturb you with numerous messages. We will wait to hear from you to continue the conversation.

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