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March 26th, 2023 08:00

S3222HG, can't get into OSD menu?


I'm trying to get into the OSD menu of my S3222HG and I just can't. Every button on the back panel just brings up the input source selection, pictured below. From there, I can't back out to any other menu. I can navigate and select an input source, but that's it. Every button otherwise either backs out or selects the highlighted source.

The only other thing I can do is open up and navigate the lock menu.

So ultimately I can confirm that every button is functional in that it does something when pressed and that all four directions on the joystick are working when in a menu that features a vertical or horizontal set of options.

This was not happening when I got the monitor several months ago. When doing my initial setup I had no problem going in and tweaking all the settings for general use. I want to say I setup some of the buttons as shortcuts, but that shouldn't keep me from accessing the general menu from pressing the joystick. I've tried the usual: Disconnecting all input sources, power cycles, unplugging from the power. Going through the manual, I see no sort of physical fail safe for a factory reset or anything. Everything in the manual wants me to get to something in the OSD menu. Please tell me I'm just a dummy and am missing something obvious.


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54.5K Posts

March 26th, 2023 10:00

To receive assistance from Dell Chat support, they need to verify the warranty status and ownership. Click the "Get help now" icon on the right to start a live chat session. Provide to them the private Service Tag.

"Every button on the back panel just brings up the input source selection, pictured below"
Usually that means that you do NOT have a PC connected to one of the S3222HG video in ports? Do you?

March 26th, 2023 12:00

"Usually that means that you do NOT have a PC connected to one of the S3222HG video in ports? Do you?"

I did. When I discovered this issue I was using the DisplayPort to hook up to a PC, and HDMI1 to hook up video game consoles through an HDMI switch. The issue persisted even after disconnecting both devices from the monitor.

March 26th, 2023 14:00

Alright, so apparently the monitor didn't think it was getting a signal. It definitely should have been getting one. I had a powered upscaler hooked up to it that sends a signal even if another device isn't passing through it. Or it's supposed to anyway.

Regardless, thanks for the reply earlier. That was, as it turns out, ultimately what the problem was.

I'ma go sit in a corner and feel dumb for awhile.

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