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This post is more than 5 years old


3 Posts


September 13th, 2014 18:00

SP2208WFP, Windows 8.1, Webcam not detected by Skype

I am using a Dell sp2208wpf monitor on a newer HP envy desktop, Windows 8.1 - all MS updates.

My webcam works with the Dell Webcam Center app, but not with the MS Camera app, nor with Skype (modern version). The microphone works fine with Skype.

The Win8.1 Control Panel Devices and Printers shows the webcam, but when I double click on the icon, I get a message that a WIA drive is needed to use this device.

I have downloaded and installed (or re-installed) the SP2208wfp drivers from the Dell website, but no luck.

Any ideas other than get a new monitor/webcam?

Community Manager


54.4K Posts

September 13th, 2014 21:00

The SP2208WFP released for sale in 2007 only supports Windows XP/Vista. The SP22008WFP webcam application was never designed to run in Windows 7/8/8.1. If we knew the actual hardware ID of the webcam, you could do a search from the ID manufacturer for 8.1 drivers. Even then, no guarantee that it would ever work correctly in Windows 7/8/8.1 applications.

3 Posts

September 18th, 2014 23:00

Thanks for replying. I understand the issues re: age of the monitor. Found instructions for replacing the Dell/Creative webcam driver with the generic Microsoft driver for a USB Webcam. Works fine now.

Community Manager


54.4K Posts

September 19th, 2014 08:00

What specific Microsoft USB Webcam driver did you install?

3 Posts

September 19th, 2014 10:00

I followed the device driver update to locate the Microsoft USB Webcam driver. Just checked the properties.

Date: 2006-06-21

File Version: 6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)

25 Posts

July 20th, 2015 09:00

Works in Windows 10 RTM with Microsoft driver 10.0.10240.16384 dated 7/9/2015.  So this old monitor/webcam isn't dead yet. Just do a driver update in windows device manager.

2 Posts

August 30th, 2015 12:00

How do you get the Windows 10 driver for the SP2208WFP monitor?  I just have the Dell ST2010 monitor listed.  

2 Posts

April 22nd, 2016 19:00


Why doesn't Dell support its products longer than a few years?

I also have an SP2208WFPt monitor and it performs very well, except that Dell is not providing support and is giving excuses like the Monitor is 8 years old. What I get from that statement is that Dell does not actually support its products beyond one iteration of an OS (in this case) and that Dell recommends we discard Dell products when they no longer are supported.

For consideration, these responses and results simply encourage me to move away from making future purchases with Dell (particularly owing to the "no guarantee" excuses). Dell could instead have a commitment to the environment and make products from a consideration that they would last for 10 years or more with some of us. I don't see why I need a new monitor that works fine except that Dell said it is "old." I already did not buy a Dell PC again for the same reason (as well as moving manufacturing out of USA) and built my own. Next time I need a new Monitor, I will not likely consider Dell unless Dell moves beyond becoming a vending machine for computer products that are expected to be consumed like soda pop.


Community Manager


54.4K Posts

April 23rd, 2016 08:00

We can only support the operating systems sold at the time of the monitor sale (2007). You can see from the SP2208WFP manual that we supported Windows XP/Vista on this nine year old model. The monetary cost to pay Dell engineering to test, validate, write drivers and possibly firmware for older product would be too high. I seriously doubt that any monitor manufacturer would spend the money validating a nine year old monitor in Windows 10. Windows 10 should install the monitor using a generic PNP driver, same with the webcam.

2 Posts

May 20th, 2016 12:00


Thanks for being in reply. Got you entirely missed my message and that you are locked into being defensive as well as profit-minded rather than service minded.

The point of the message was how well trained you are into giving rehearsed and scripted answers that defend Dell's bottom line and do nothing to deal with the actuality that, but for Dell's lack of support, the monitor is still worthwhile (useful). Dell, on the other hand, has generated a piece of equipment that was never designed with a future in mind, according to you, and also does not take into account burdens on customers or the environment from playing a game of "throw it out and get new."

These results are why I am no longer and likely will not ever be again a Dell customer. I'm already clear on the workability within Windows 7 and 10; the heart of the matter is that Dell incentivized irresponsible use and had not planned for durability or longevity, favoring instead a "get the money now", "get the latest" and "give us more money" mentality. Not going to happen with me.


1 Message

January 22nd, 2017 21:00

where were the instructions please?

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