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2 Posts


November 19th, 2023 11:03

U2720Q, vertical line from top to bottom

Hello. I spotted the vertical line from top to the bottom on my screen recently. I wanted to know what it can be and what Dell can do with it.

10 Elder


23.6K Posts

November 20th, 2023 12:44

You'd be equally disappointed in any other monitor you purchase.   Manufacturers do not repair monitors or TV sets when the panel fails.  Since the panel is the largest percentage of the cost of a monitor, and they're not designed to be removed, if the panel fails, the monitor is replaced.

Community Manager


54.5K Posts

November 19th, 2023 14:35

"what Dell can do with it"
If the original purchased warranty has expired, Dell cannot exchange it.

* Go here
* Under, "Identify your product"
* Enter the private monitor Service Tag in the blank
* Click Search. You will then see the warranty state

If you took that picture when running the stand alone U2720Q BID (Built-in Diagnostics), page 55 in the User's Guide), the panel is faulty. Replace the monitor.

November 19th, 2023 19:34

@DELL-Chris M​ 

Hi Chris, thanks for the reply. The warranty expired. I’ve checked it. To be honest I very disappointed with your product. I bought this monitor with believe that I choose wisely and the product will serve me more than 3 years. I worked with Dell product many years. I am double disappointed with “replace the monitor” advice. This is not what I expected. These things are not cheap as you probably know. 

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