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1 Rookie


1 Message


May 14th, 2024 17:01

U2724DE, how to fix permanently USB devices to only one PC?

Dell U2724DE

Dell U2724DE


I bought recently two monitors U2724DE, great displays, but in terms of usability there is a plenty space for improvement.
Currently I'm facing issues with toggling inputs between two computers.

With daisy chain through USBC, all working fantastic with my external devices (there are many ports in both monitors connected together). 

The issue is, when toggle input to second computer, all devices (included external discs) are cut from the first computer. This is big issue, actually blocker to using build in sockets.

How to permanently set USB input sockets to only one computer?

5 Practitioner


5.2K Posts

May 14th, 2024 19:12

Re:  when toggle input to second computer, all devices (included external discs) are cut from the first computer

It seems to work properly as intended.  The whole setup is connected to one computer at a time.  When you toggled away from the first computer, it should disconnected all the devices from the first computer.

1 Rookie


1 Message

May 15th, 2024 06:30

To address the issue of devices being disconnected when toggling input between two computers using your dell U2724DE monitors, follow these steps is firstly use the monitor's input source selection feature directly instead of relying on the built in USB hub Vantage ADP to switch between computers. Secondly disconnect USB cables that connect devices to the monitor's USB hub and instead connect them directly to your computers. Consider using a dedicated usb switch or sharing device if you need to share usb devices between the two computers and last ensure your monitor's firmware and drivers are up to date by checking dell's support website for updates


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