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April 13th, 2013 13:00

Weird Problem with my new DELL U3014

Hi guys,

after being undecisive for quite a while I finally bought myself DELL u3014 (RevA01, Feb 2013).
The display arrived today and after unboxing and setting it up, i've noticed a problem which currently driving me nuts...

Some areas of display have like 1pixel-broad horizontal lines, where image appears to be brighter (in those lines). The problem persist from all viewing angles.

Those areas look something like this:
(You need to view it with native resolution of your display to see the effect. Otherwise 1px gaps will look weird because of interpolation)

So few areas of my display show perfect and smooth color gradients like in left image, in the other areas i see "lines" like shown on right image.

Here is an image of the entire area of my display. Greens show areas with perfect color gradients, the reds show areas where i see the lines. The best gradients appear to be in upper right corner, the worst area with most visible lines is in lovver left corner:

Anyone have an idea what the   it is?

Also if you happen to have Dell u3014 display, could you download this image (2560x1600) and check if it looks the same in all areas of your display? Check if you can see any weird lines or breaks in color gradients:

The Display is connected with original Dell DVI cable to my GTX570. I already checked the menu-options of my display, but couldn't fix the weird lines.

Community Manager


54.4K Posts

April 16th, 2013 09:00


You wrote, "original Dell DVI cable to my GTX570". Does that mean you are using the Dell DVI-D Dual Link cable that came in the U3014 box?

Community Manager


54.4K Posts

April 16th, 2013 09:00


Thank you for the notes. As a baseline, you should be testing these images using our supplied Dell DVI-D Dual Link cable or the Dell mDP to DP cable at the resolution of 2560x1600. We will be testing in the lab using those parameters on systems running Windows 7. We cannot speak to any apple hardware. We do not test our monitors on their proprietary hardware and drivers.

20 Posts

April 16th, 2013 11:00

Hi Chris,

nice to see that DELL is working on the issue. I hope you'll come back to us with the lab's findings.
And yes, I'm using the "Dell DVI-D Dual Link cable that came in the U3014 box" with ASUS GeForce 570GTX.

Tried mine U3014 on 2 different PCs and 2 different OS (Ubuntu/Win7 64bit) with the same outcome. My other displays 24'' Eizo and 24'' Benq don't have this problem.
But if you read what lunetics wrote in this thread, its clear that the problem is display related (since he bought three U3014 and "only" two units had this problem).
What "scares" me, is that the replacement units which he got, had the same problem...

Hey, that serial is very close to mine: CN054X3G7444532*****!!

Also a questions to the DELL customers in this thread, did you guys buy your displays directly from DELL or through reseller?
I bought mine from a reseller ( 3 days ago and DELL support absolutely refusing to help or deal with me after I described the above problem.
They said, that I have to go with my problem to the reseller and that they will deal with my reseller only. I was kindly asked to . I had many dealings with various hardware manufacturers (Eizo, Asus, Sony, Samsung & etc) in the past and every time when something broke during the warranty period, i quickly got it fixed or replaced by contacting the manufacturer in question. No one ever said, "not our problem, go ask your reseller for help".
Is it always like this with DELL? What if the reseller closes his business next week, do my DELL products still have warranty?

U3014 is my first DELL product, so I'm just wondering.

Community Manager


54.4K Posts

April 16th, 2013 16:00


The U3014 has a service tag number. You have to use this form to transfer the ownership of the service tag from the reseller to yourself. Understand, the original 3 year warranty period started when the reseller bought it from us, not from when you purchased it from the reseller. So if the reseller had it sitting on his shelf for 6 months, you do not get that 6 months back when the service tag is transferred. Which is why it is always better to buy directly from us.

20 Posts

April 16th, 2013 23:00

Hi Chris,

the reseller is a registered DELL partner, according to my servicetag the warranty started on 4/10/2013. I already spoke to the reseller and he is as confused as I, he is going to ask his contact person at DELL for statement. He told me to call dell again and ask for replacement (Next Business Day Onsite), according to him i should get a new unit within the first 30 days of warranty.

Also the link you posted doesnt wor for me:

I cant do the Tag transfer since the region keeps reverting to US:

next page where I cant go on:

Im having real trouble with DELL's customer support....

5 Posts

April 17th, 2013 03:00

The next number in my serial is 4, so CN-054X3G-74445-324-****. (The last four characters I'll keep secret, as those probably don't have anything to do with batch identification, but most likely is the specific monitor number itself.)

I'm sorry to hear that you are having problem with Dell support, and I hope it works out ok for you soon!  My experience with Dell support was very different. I called the Swedish support a few minutes ago, and told the nice guy in the other end about the problem. He asked me if I wanted a replacement, so they're sending a new one withing 1-3 days. No fuss. =)

I'll update here as soon as I get the new monitor.

Community Manager


54.4K Posts

April 17th, 2013 08:00

Ok. Call into Dell Support for your region and have them transfer the service tag for you on the phone.

4 Posts

April 17th, 2013 09:00

@DELL-Chris M, thank you for a straight answer! I was getting ready for a vague response with no real info, and I'm so pleasantly surprised by your quick reply! :)

So, the next question is, should I hold off requesting a replacement unit for a few weeks? I mean, how likely am I to get a good monitor if I request a replacement now?

11 Posts

April 17th, 2013 09:00

Hi Chris,

So since i already exchanged 2 of the 3 screens (which still have the same problem, first one has the problem also).

How is this going to work, 30 days for "new replacement" guarantee will be over till dell got a new revision / fixed screens. I don't want to get 3 replacement refurbished units, since these ones are faulty (and i paid over 3k for it).

We're talking of a Professional Screen here, not a 199$ bargain Acer screen.

So please let me or "us" how to handle the case.

4 Posts

April 17th, 2013 09:00

I was hoping that after using the monitor for a couple of days, I will find a way to get around the visible "scan lines" problem, but unfortunately it is still way too noticeable regardless of anything I try. I can actually see the lines within the built-in menu elements if I configure it to be shown on the left side, which makes any possible issues with the cables/drivers/etc. irrelevant. This is clearly a problem with the panel itself, and it makes this monitor completely unsuitable for any image editing or web design work. At least on a professional level. Very disappointing and completely unexpected to get such a poor quality _professional_level_ product from DELL.

Any official word from DELL people here? Is it a known problem which will be fixed in the next revision, or is the official policy that this is considered "normal"?

Community Manager


54.4K Posts

April 17th, 2013 09:00

We just saw the issue in the lab yesterday and sent it to the manufacturer. It will take several weeks before they can isolate root cause. We will then discuss the cost of fixing the issue which will take more time.

20 Posts

April 17th, 2013 12:00

Hi Chris,

I've already called and chatted with DELL-Germany several times, but like I've already said before, they are just refusing to help me in any way.
I've NEVER experienced anything like this before and it just leaves me baffled...

After doing everything possible (called/chatted/emailed DELL-Germany, contacted my Dell-registered Reseller) I'm still not a single step closer to finally getting my defective unit replaced...So I had no choice other than to call it quits and give up.

I just packed my 1000Euro+ expensive and broken DELL U3014 Monitor back into the box it came in.
It's going back to the Dell-reseller and I'm going with EIZO. It's 250€ more for "only" 27inch, but it's a good price to pay, considering my very pleasant dealings with Eizo in the past and that I don't have to deal with DELL-Germany's customer "services" again.
Though i want to thank DELL-Germany for the interesting experience offered. Without it, I would never know just how low the bar can actually go. U3014 was my first and definitely last DELL product.

west_end_riot, lunetics, Nakkor and others, I wish you all guys more luck than I had and that you get working replacement units soon.
Good luck

Community Manager


54.4K Posts

April 17th, 2013 16:00

I can only speak for the Americas policies, but if a fix is found, the first ones fixed would be new ones. So here in the Americas, we would issue a new exchange. For now, getting any exchange will not help.

5 Posts

April 18th, 2013 05:00

Update: The replacement monitor arrived this morning! I would have thought it to take at least two days. I'm impressed. Unfortunately, this monitor also have the same "interlace" problem. *sigh* (Rev A01, Feb 2013. Serial number is 504 units off from the old one.)

A curious thing, about the serial number; I just now noticed that the serial on the boxes and at the back of the monitors differ slightly.
CN-054X3G-74445-324-****  <--- on the box
CN-0P1V6N-74445-324-****  <--- on the monitor
Odd, though of little importance I'm sure.

As it is now, not knowing how long it will take for Dell and the manufacturer to fix this problem, I'm leaning towards sending it back to the retailer for a full refund. Still on the fence.


Not only does the U3014 have this striped/interlaced problem, but also terrible RTC overshoot on light backgrounds, like the grays and blues here in this forum.

I would have been ok with this ghosting out of the box, IF Dell had provided us with controls in the OSD to tweak the overdrive impulse our selves. But they don't, and neither does it seem like Dell will either fix the overshoot nor provide these controls in a future revision/firmware (from what I've read elsewhere on this forum). Come on Dell, it's only software! Just throw the controls in there and let the users mess with it to their hearts content. If we want to dial some setting to oblivion and back it should be our choice, not Dell's! Just put a warning text in there if you are afraid of users over-tweaking.

DELL, please listen to your customers!


3 Posts

April 18th, 2013 08:00

Hi , I'm having the exact same problem in my brand new monitor , what should we do ? Should we report the problem anyway to Dell in order to get a NEW exchange when its fixed  ? Return the product ?

Please let us know .... thanks

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