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This post is more than 5 years old


February 23rd, 2016 05:00

Exchange 2012

Hi , i have this error on executing backup on the exchange 2010 databases .

I have a single server and i cant figure out what is the problem .

My nw client and nmm client are both - also the networker server .

The credentials are okay .

Already restarted the server , reinstall the client and nmm .

Above you can see a print from my NMM log.

Thanks in advance

1 Attachment

1.7K Posts

February 23rd, 2016 07:00

Hello @valentin_ciobanu

We would need some more information to help you with this problem.

This failure seems to come from PowerSnap module embedded in NMM,  and this could be due to configuration, name resolution, order to start investigating, could you please attach the following logs?:




Please sort the files within the applogs folder to have all these 3 files together related to the same backup.

Also please attach screenshots of the client configuration (all tabs) and group configuration (all tabs).

Thank you,


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