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February 28th, 2022 12:00

How to open a Networker support ticket

I am very new to networker!

I need to open a support call for some assistance on a chore that not even our experienced admin has an answer.


When I go to Dell and try to open a service call, I get a dialogue box asking for Product ID or Service Tag.

I do not believe that we are using Dell hardware, so in the NMC where do I go to find a Product ID or Service tag?




2.4K Posts

February 28th, 2022 15:00

This is not so easy as software does not have a service tag.

In NW Administration, select your server and open your server properties.

If you are lucky, a colleague has entered the information (product serial number and customer information) in the appropriate registers.

If not, please ask your purchasing department for a copy of your support PO. Then call your local Dell/EMC support office. They will ask all necessary questions.


March 21st, 2022 12:00

assuming the networker environment is licensed (for example using a x-amount of TB capacity license, (un)served), then the LIC file might contain the SWID (software ID) of the the environment, that is strictly linked to its FQDN/IP combination.

So the NW NMC then would show the SWID underneath the backup server settings, in the tab "Licensing", where it also shows the license but also the fields Solution ID or CLP SWID, which might state the SWID (in our case always starting all with ELMNET). We only have unserved licenses, so we do not use a seperate license server but can simply apply the licenses separately without the need of  license server.

1 Message

February 12th, 2024 11:42

We have the same issue and tried to send it by mail without any reply. ... Is there any updates 

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