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This post is more than 5 years old


February 11th, 2011 11:00

Moving Networker from one server to a net new server

​Good day everyone:​

​We have an isue with moving a Networker instance from an old Solaris 8 server to a net new Solaris 10 server. We cannot keep the Networker server name!​

​Current installation looks like this:​

    ​ ​
  • ​NW 7.4.5 on Solaris 8​
  • ​ ​
  • ​STK700 tape library using LTO3 tape drives​
  • ​ ​
  • ​Alphastor 3.1.1​
  • ​ ​
  • ​Several non-dedicated storage nodes (7.4.5)​
  • ​ ​
  • ​Several dedicated storage nodes (7.4.5)​
  • ​ ​

​Here is what we are doing:​

    ​ ​
  • ​Installing NW 7.4.5 on new Solaris 10 server​
  • ​ ​
  • ​Installing new tape library (LTO4 tape drives using LTO3 tapes for next 6 months or so)​
  • ​ ​
  • ​New solaris 10 name will have new server name on it​
  • ​ ​
  • ​Alphastor 3.1.1 remains​
  • ​ ​

​Here is what I would like to know:​

    ​ ​
  • ​Has anyone done this in the past?​
  • ​ ​
  • ​How does this affect the indexes? recoveries? etc?​
  • ​ ​
  • ​Is there a way to keep my client IDs?​
  • ​ ​

​If I had to, I could keep the old NW server in place for 6 months. I have a DR environment where I could do restores from for the next while afterwards as well. My quarterly backups live for 15 months before expiring. My daily backups live for 42 days before expiring.​

​Once I have everything up and working properly, I am planning upgrading to NW 7.6.x. Will this cause any of the above solutions to fail?​

​Any help with this is much appreciated.​

78 Posts

February 15th, 2011 09:00

Hello Adanac,

Quite a big adventure you have planned here. Sorry for the delay in response. This one seemed to have gotten lost in the shuffle a bit.

I would have to recommend you contact Support for this. You will need to get the licensing folks involved due to the hostname change. They will need to generate a new license based on the new hostid of the new system. SUppoort folks should be able to help you through all of this. It is not something you should try on your own simly due to the complications that _could_ arise. I take it you are moving form a 32b arch to 64b all staying on SPARC as well?

Hope this helps,


19 Posts

February 15th, 2011 09:00

We are staying on a SUN Solaris platform, going from 32 bit to 64 bit OS.  The current server is running 5.8 whereas the new server will be running 5.10.  We have a HEAT report on the new system done and our Unix support people have applied the appropriate patching.

I opened a case with EMC, got some guy who did not know the difference between Alphastor and Replistor, so let's say he was useless for what we wanted.

We have given our EMC Service Account Manager a heads up that this will be happening as soon as RRSP season is over.  We have asked him to ensure we have a local EMC person on-board who knows our organisation.  We would love to have a 3rd level support person help us out as well.

Over the last 10 years of working with EMC I have found that the professional services folk do not have the skillset to do such a rollover in a timely fashion because they do not understand the organisation, etc.  They are great for net new installs and such, however unless it is a Net New product, we prefer to do these things on ourselves with the help of EMC support over the phone and do some desktop sharing.  Very efficient and it allows the Support Staff at EMC to quickly get answers to "unknowns" which sometimes pop up.

Our only real challenge is the Networker Name change and the implications this will have on the indexes, etc.   I have a "servers" file ready to roll and support staff on-board ready to do the replacements and service restarts.

We have prepared a playbook and have gone over all the required steps.  We have been 99.9% successful on all our changes and upgrades over the last few years because we have our documentation in order, we come to the table prepared, and we are serious about getting this done as painlessly as possible.

We already have all our Auth Codes ready to go.  Just a matter of crossing the last few "T"s and dotting the last few "i"s before reviewing the finalized plan.

If you see any details I have missed please do not hesitate to let me know.  If you have or can provide documentation on the name change I would much appreciate.

Thanks again.


18 Posts

February 15th, 2011 15:00

Oops forgot to mention - if your server IP is changing any static routes, hostfile entries and firewall rules out there in your client network will need to be reviewed. Also need to add the new server name to all your client /nsr/res/servers files if host based restrictions are in use.

18 Posts

February 15th, 2011 15:00

There is a section in the 7.5 Disaster Recovery Guide 'Moving the NetWorker server to a server with the new UNIX host' which covers precisely this scenario if you are planning on rebuilding the new server from tape copies. I note it has been replaced in the 7.6.1 version of the guide with instructions to call support.

We have always migrated the index disks at a SAN level so never followed this procedure but it looks fairly straightforward. Basically it involves reprofiling the target server with a temporary identity, performing a DR of the media database and resource files on the reprofiled temporary target, deleting the source client resource and creating target with the same client ID. At this point the target server can be given its original name again and the remaining client indexes recovered using nsrck -L7 - they will be owned by the new target resource.

19 Posts

February 16th, 2011 05:00


I will go back and re-read the Disaster Recovery guide.  I have many versions and I am sure it will be helpful.

I would love to be able to keep the same name and IP but unfortunately this is not the case.

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