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This post is more than 5 years old


August 28th, 2014 14:00

.Net Framework 3.5.1 and 4.0 co-exist in SQL Bakckup?

​Hi Experts,​

​I am deploying the Networker 8.1.1 in a existing environment with SQL server 2008.​

​The problem is when I install NMM 3.0.1 on SQL server, it require .net framework 4.0. However, .net framework 3.5.1 has already been installed for SQL server requirement.​

​My question is, does .net framework 3.5.1 and 4.0 can co-exist in SQL server? What is the best practice for this kind of environment?​



2.4K Posts

August 28th, 2014 15:00

Yes, it can. Here is part of the software installed on one of our SQLServers:

PS C:\>

PS C:\> get-wmiobject win32_product -computer localhost | format-table name,vendor,version -autosize | findstr /C:".NET"

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1                              Microsoft Corporation 3.5.30729

Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended                            Microsoft Corporation 4.0.30319

Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile                      Microsoft Corporation 4.0.30319

PS C:\>

PS C:\>

PS C:\> get-wmiobject win32_product -computer localhost | format-table name,vendor,version -autosize | findstr /C:"SQL"

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 BI Development Studio                Microsoft Corporation 10.3.5500.0

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Database Engine Services            Microsoft Corporation 10.3.5500.0

Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP1 Query Tools English      Microsoft Corporation 3.5.5692.0

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Database Engine Shared              Microsoft Corporation 10.3.5500.0

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Setup Support Files                  Microsoft Corporation 10.3.5500.0

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Full text search                    Microsoft Corporation 10.3.5500.0

Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer                                Microsoft Corporation 10.3.5500.0

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 RsFx Driver                          Microsoft Corporation 10.3.5500.0

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Common Files                        Microsoft Corporation 10.3.5500.0

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Books Online (August 2008)          Microsoft Corporation 10.0.1601.00

SQL Server System CLR Types                                    Microsoft Corporation 10.3.5500.0

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Database Engine Shared              Microsoft Corporation 10.3.5500.0

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Common Files                        Microsoft Corporation 10.3.5500.0

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Database Engine Services            Microsoft Corporation 10.3.5500.0

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Client Tools                        Microsoft Corporation 10.3.5500.0

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Management Studio                    Microsoft Corporation 10.3.5500.0

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Native Client                        Microsoft Corporation 10.3.5500.0

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Integration Services                Microsoft Corporation 10.3.5500.0

Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP1 English                  Microsoft Corporation 3.5.5692.0

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Database Engine Services            Microsoft Corporation 10.3.5500.0

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Management Studio                    Microsoft Corporation 10.3.5500.0

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Full text search                    Microsoft Corporation 10.3.5500.0

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Database Engine Services            Microsoft Corporation 10.3.5500.0

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Browser                              Microsoft Corporation 10.3.5500.0

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Integration Services                Microsoft Corporation 10.3.5500.0

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Policies                            Microsoft Corporation 10.3.5500.0

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Client Tools                        Microsoft Corporation 10.3.5500.0

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 BI Development Studio                Microsoft Corporation 10.3.5500.0

PS C:\>

4 Posts

August 28th, 2014 16:00

Thanks Bingo! Very quick and useful information....

One concern is, does EMC has some document to support this point of view? Since we will work on a production environment, we need to confirm this is a proven solution with both version of .Net Framework co-exist.



4 Operator


1.3K Posts

August 29th, 2014 04:00

You can reach out to the support and they can give you an official confirmation.

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