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This post is more than 5 years old


October 17th, 2013 04:00

NetWorker 7.6x EOL

Can someone please paste a link to the EOL documentation?

October 17th, 2013 18:00

Please consider moving this question as-is (no need to recreate) to the proper forum for maximum visibility.  Questions written to the users' own "Discussions" space don't get the same amount of attention and can go unanswered for a long time.

You can do so by selecting "Move" under ACTIONS along the upper-right.  Then search for and select: "NetWorker Support Forum".

1.2K Posts

October 20th, 2013 19:00 -> Support -> Interoprability and Product Lifecycle Information -> Release and End of Life Dates. Click ">>Show All Documents" and you will find NetWorker Release and End of Service Life Notifications

50 Posts

October 21st, 2013 00:00

I like this one. It's quick and gives me a fair idea of the EOL

1.2K Posts

October 21st, 2013 00:00

yes, on the left conlumn. Just need to click 7.6

50 Posts

October 21st, 2013 10:00

that's it. as simple as that

7 Posts

November 5th, 2013 08:00

Thanks to every one.

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