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This post is more than 5 years old


April 8th, 2011 03:00

Recovering data from different server without client

Hi, I'm trying to recover data on a tape from another site using my NetWorker (7.4.1) server. I've got to the stage where got it to scan the tape and found the SSID of the save set I want to recover, and I have tried nsrndmp_recover but it complains about not being able to connect to the client specified (the client is not available here and NetWorker is not configured for it). This is what it says:

36223:nsrndmp_recover: Error : client resource not found for the criteria
42789:nsrndmp_recover: client = belfast saveset name =
42847:nsrndmp_recover: Not able to connect or authorize the recover host 'belfast'
42840:nsrndmp_recover: NDMP recover failed.
42880:nsrndmp_recover: Error during NDMP recover

What is the correct procedure for recovering a save set when the client does not exist?

I saw this:

But it talks about a condition where the client exists with a different clientid - in my case the client does not exist at all. Should I create a "dummy" client as described?

What is the correct way of using nsrndmp_recover to restore the files just to a local directory on the NetWorker server?

240 Posts

April 18th, 2011 13:00

So you are not trying to restore the data to a client.  I was under the impression that you were trying to restore the data to a client based on the statement "it complains about not being able to connect to the client specified (the client is not available here and NetWorker is not configured for it)."

Please review these documents:

NDMP Backup Fails with nsrndmp_save: NDMP Service Error: Invalid backup path

Also, based on the information in the KB article esg113664 you mentioned, I would try the "dummy" client to perform the restore to.


8 Posts

April 19th, 2011 01:00

@Mark_Bellows: Sorry about the confusion, I am trying to restore to a client, but an NDMP client. I got the impression that uasm was specific to Unix clients, and your second post seemed to be about rebuilding a Windows/Unix/Solaris client. I seemed to be getting somewhere (very slowly!) with nsrndmp_recover though.

@Hrvoje Crvelin: I got no response from that mminfo command, so ran an inventory (nsrjb -I) and now it seems to know where it is at least. I assumed the fact that nsrjb and the Management Console were showing where the tape is meant it knew where it is, but I guess not!

However, now when I try nsrndmp_recover I am getting yet another error:

31303199465 event media Media waiting event: waiting for LTO Ultrium-3 tape XFI918 (XFI918L2) on athena2

At least it knew the barcode this time

However, now I was also getting constant errors in Devices -> Libraries:

Failed false Load volume `XFI918', volume id `3600009672'. Cannot find pool `Permanent'

So I created this pool, and now it's actually reading the tape!

And it's recreated the directory on the filer in what looks like the right place, and it's starting to write files.

Thanks! Hope this works now...

8 Posts

April 19th, 2011 03:00

The recovery was successful. Thanks for the help everyone.

So here's what I did in full (hopefully I didn't forget any steps):

  1. Load/mount tape:
    nsrjb -lnv -S 13 -f /dev/nst0
  2. Set block size to 0 (Had to do this to get scanner to work, don't know why):     
    mt -f      /dev/st0 setblk 0
  3. scanner -iv /dev/nst0
    Look at save sets, find SSID (save set ID) for save set you want to      restore (Media -> Volumes)
  4. Get client ID for save      set:
    mminfo -aVS
  5. Create a client      pointing to filer - needs to be same client ID as original, but needs to      be different IP address if filer already configured as a client on this      NetWorker server. Pay attention to all client settings, in particular the      "storage nodes" - needs to be the same as original filer that      the backup was performed on and also the current client for restoring
  6. (In GUI) Go to Media -> Media Pools      and recreate the pool that this tape is from (if not already there),      templates and data source don't matter so just put in anything.
  7. Check that NetWorker actually      knows where the tape is (even if it does display in nsrjb and NetWorker      Administration GUI):
    mminfo -q volume= -r location
  8. Start recovery (warning: this      will write back to the original location of the files on the filer):
    nsrndmp_recover -s -S

    240 Posts

    April 20th, 2011 13:00


    I am glad that you were able to get the restore completed!

    Thank you for sharing that information!  I am sure it will come in handy for other users!


    14.3K Posts

    April 21st, 2011 02:00

    inky wrote:

    However, now I was also getting constant errors in Devices -> Libraries:

    Failed false Load volume `XFI918', volume id `3600009672'. Cannot find pool `Permanent'

    So I created this pool, and now it's actually reading the tape!

    And it's recreated the directory on the filer in what looks like the right place, and it's starting to write files.

    Glad it worked.  Few comments on above.  Whenever you scan the tape iin some "other" system, you should create pool before.  This is why I keep copy on configuration including clientids outside the server so I can at any time read that data elsewhere with less fuss.  I'm not sure if docs are clear about this pool requirement, I know they haven't been and probably they are not.  I'm also glad that you didn't have issues with long vs. short volume name (this is HW library config whether to display L2, L4, etc ) which in the past could have been nightmare too.

    326 Posts

    February 27th, 2012 17:00

    hi folks

    does the scanner work for ndmp?

    1.7K Posts

    February 28th, 2012 00:00

    Hi Thierry,

    Yes, scanner works for NDMP, but you should use scanner -m instead of scanner -i

    Thank you.


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