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October 20th, 2011 07:00

Simple Query for backups made on DATE


​I find mminfo exasperating. I am trying to get all savesets for 16/10/2011 but definitely do not understand how to make it work. I am following the nsr get date library definition for the date format.​

​I laugh because for example THIS works:​

​mminfo -q "savetime ​

​but this doesn't:​

​mminfo -q "savetime=16/10/2011" -r "client,totalsize,savetime,volume"​

​What am I doing wrong?​



October 20th, 2011 07:00

When you use savetime in the query it is referring to a specific time, so "savetime=10/16/2011" will be interpreted as savesets having a timestamp equal to "savetime=10/16/2011 00:00:00" so you are unlikely to get anything back from that.

Try something like:

mminfo  -q "savetime<10/16/2011 23:59:59,savetime>10/16/2011 00:00:00" -r "client,totalsize,savetime,volume"

- and you will get your results.

736 Posts

October 20th, 2011 07:00

Hi Chris,

Does this work?

mminfo -q "savetime=10/16/2011"  -r "client,totalsize,savetime,volume"

When you select savetime as a column in your query what does it look like?

mminfo -t "3 days ago" -r client,name,savetime -ot


38 Posts

October 20th, 2011 07:00

mminfo -q "savetime=10/16/2011"  -r "client,totalsize,savetime,volume"

It says theres no results from the query. Unfortunately is still tells me theres no results even though there definitely are.

I think this actually worked:

mminfo -t "5 days ago" -r client,name,savetime -ot

It outputs 16th to the 20th.

Now I just have to filter out the rest. Thanks for your help! So for future, I can't use a single date? And does mminfo support comma delimited output?

38 Posts

October 20th, 2011 08:00

Thanks folks. Now I understand!

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