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This post is more than 5 years old


January 6th, 2010 06:00

Tapes with flags 'r' and E

​What would be the volume flags when a partially written tape (Not marked as full) expires ?​

​I have many recycle tapes which are marked 'readonly' ,How I will make them not readonly and recycleable(volume flag E) ?​

​I noticed this problem only on partially written volumes and I am yet to check if more volumes are getting flags r and E as they recycle .​


​Setting the tape to '!readnly' make it 'non recyclable'(Undef) and setting it to recyclable change the volume back to readonly again. I see esg54359 whcih documents it as expected behavior.​

​slot volume pool barcode volume id recyclable​
136: AB142(R) Default AB142 2755970564


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