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January 28th, 2021 13:00

How do you prevent PE 13G T330 Broadcom NetXtreme NIC configured in Lifecyle as IPV4 Static IP address from reverting back to DH

Latest drivers installed for Broadcom NetXtreme NIC

Configured NIC1 in Lifecyle with an IPV4 Static IP address but when clicking on NIC1 in WinSer19 'Network Connections' > Properties > Internet Protocol Version 4 it shows 'Obtain an IP address automatically'.

Have the NIC1 as a static IP address on the router too.

Ran ipconfig /all in cmd and NIC shows with the IPV4 Static IP address.

I wish to fix this before setting up the server as I dont want issues down the line. Please can someone help?



8.5K Posts

January 28th, 2021 17:00


When you configure the IP in the lifecycle controller that is for use in the lifecycle controller. Windows doesn’t use that; it is going to default to obtain automatically. However, if you set a static IP on your router for the server that is the address the obtain automatically will get. So, you don’t need to change anything. Let us know if you have any additional questions.

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