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This post is more than 5 years old


December 11th, 2004 01:00

broadcon 440x stripping of headers within a packet

​ Hello, I and a colleague are using ethereal 10.4 and wincap 2.3. My colleague can capture and display a q-in-q vlan packet. Basically, the metro providers will carry customers tagged vlan traffic and append another VLAN ID header to the original packet, thus reduce the consumption of VLAN ID’s in the metro Ethernet network. When I capture the same traffic, all I see is the VLAN ID from the customer (vlan_10) and not Q-IN-Q vlan ID of 1000. The expectation is to see two 802.1q headers in the packet, I see only the customers vlan header. ​
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​ Why would I have this problem? is it possible that the my nic card is discriminating the q-in-q id? or is there in the OS & NIC card a configurion I need to be aware of? Both laptops are dell XP PRO. with intergrated nic cards, one being 3c920 (this card works) and mine is a Broadcom 440 10/100 (which doesn't). Please advise ​
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