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This post is more than 5 years old



August 2nd, 2003 12:00

problem with connecting to net

I've only started net use. About 50% of the times I try to connect I get error messages. When I contact my ISP they usually fix it - untill the next time I try to Dial up.  Usually what happens is the dial up will go as far as "verifying user name and password" and then gets no further. Any suggestions?

1.3K Posts

August 4th, 2003 10:00


Can you tell us more about what happens such as the exact error message you get, who your ISP is and what they do to resolve this.  Also, what information did they give as far as why this is happening from their end.

5 Posts

August 6th, 2003 17:00

Thank you Michael C.!

The information is as follows: The error numbers started with 619. When I tried logging on this time I got no.721, then when it redialed I got no.734 and on the third redial it connected.

My ISP is Eircom.

The things they got me to check were: that the server is PPP, that I have the correct USB, that I have the correct protocol(TCP/IP) and that the area code and dialing rules boxes were not ticked. They also got me to check the modem was at +ms=v90i. They also suggested I get someone to do a hyper terminal and that I should contact Microsoft for a roll back. I haven't done a hyper terminal yet as I dont know the procedure and I haven't done the roll back thing because I was told that that's only for old computers.(none of that makes any sense to me though!!!)

I hope that's enough information and I look forward to hearing from you (if I manage to get connected again soon!)


3 Posts

August 7th, 2003 18:00

I have the same problem dialing to my ISP's (Netzero, no tech help).  Sits there waiting for my username and password.  Gives up then dials the next number.  Eventually gives me and error 720.  I tried the hyperterminal route and seemed to work, except I didn't have correct logon to access their network via this route.  My guess is it is something in the protocol, though I verified everything per the ISP and found nothing amiss.  I had the dial up server properties set to PPP, Connection uses TCP/IP,QOS, Client for Microsoft Networks.  Security was sent to "Allow unsecured password".  I'm running XP on a 2 week old Dimension with a Conexant HSF V92 56K RTAD Speakerphone PCI Modem.  I've never been able to connect to Netzero.

1.3K Posts

August 7th, 2003 18:00


If it's working some of the time I'm going to have to say it's probably not an issue with the modem itself.  Modems usually work or they don't.  There is no in between.  The fact that you're getting different errors is strange also.  How long is the phone cord you are using. 

3 Posts

August 7th, 2003 21:00

I found the problem, I didn't realize that my computer was not updated with the latest service paks.  Updated to service pak 1 and everything works correctly.

5 Posts

August 7th, 2003 22:00


What is service pac one?


5 Posts

August 7th, 2003 22:00


My electrician fitted a phone connection from the main line (about 2 foot long) and I'm just using the line supplied with the computer.

I'll try the hyper terminal and see how that goes,


3 Posts

August 8th, 2003 10:00

Service pack 1 is Microsoft's patches for the operating system.  Service pack 1 is available at

5 Posts

August 8th, 2003 13:00

Thanks for the tip!

November 7th, 2004 14:00


I'd like to ask for a little help. I have just taken delivery of Dimension 3000, Windows XP pro, and I'm trying to set up a Netgear router to share my DSL connection. While connecting via this router for the first time I think I've picked up a bug. The unit had preinstalled Firewall and antivirus trialware up but I did not check that it the defs were up to date (the unit was brand new). My net connection is now inactive and I can't figure out what to do. I've contacted Norton and under their instruction uninstalled the trialware. When I try to reinstall from the disk provided by DELL I get a message that the installation is missing the 'instopts.dat' file and set up will exit. I've reinstalled an old copy of Norton 2002 to give me some protection and tried to update the defs from a CD but I'm told that I need Intelligent Installer 2 to fully update them. The DELL system analytical tools and help require a connection to the net - which I don't have. I'm lost and not a little cheesed off.

Could someone suggest a solution to - determine if I really have a bug that is inhibiting my port or ports - tell me that I don't have to do a complete system restore, but that if I do it will remove all trace of any bug and give me all the functions I had when the unit was delivered.

I notice that the posts on the forum speak about problems of using a router with XP pro but they seem to be relatively old so I'm hoping there has been a fix.

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