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November 29th, 2019 06:00

0 availabe Host Credential Profile


so, we managed to have the OMIVV available in vCenter and we managed to add the Baremetal Servers. 

I created a Host Credential Profiles and verified that the Profile is working. ( there is already one host with esx i can test again)

During the Deployment Wizard, onn the page "Select Host Credential Profiles:  i choose "yes" so i get the option to choose the host credential profile for all hosts. Here the "Select Host Credential Profile" is gray and the dropdown does not show any Profiles 

 Any idea whats the issue here?

I also tried the "Deploy" from the Dashboard and the overview shows i have "0 Available" Host Credential Profiles. In the "Compliance & Deployment" Tab -> Host Credential Profiles i can see the profile i created and a test with an existing server works fine. 

Thanks for the support

December 1st, 2019 21:00

Hi Simon Czechner,
 Is Active Directory user of ESXi host or IDRAC  is used at Host Credentials Profiles ?

If yes, Deployment wizard at OMIVV supports ESXi deployment with local user, not with Active Directory user .
So, Host Credentials Profiles created with  ESXi host or IDRAC  Active Directory user is not listed at deployment wizard.

 If no, is linked vCenter registered with OMIVV ?

Thank You,

December 9th, 2019 01:00

Hi Vineeth,


thanks for the information. That was the missing information. with AD user i can deploy just fine. 

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