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November 21st, 2019 06:00

OMIVV 5 Extenion not showing in vCenter 6.5U2


I did fresh / first time installation of OMIVV by following the DELL OMIVV installation Guide. 

Registering the vCenter in OMIVV WebUI was successful without any issues. In the vCenter events, i see that a lot of Alarms are being created. 
Unfortunately, the extension does not show up in vCenter (checked "vCenter Server Extension" , "Client Solutions" nor under "Menu > Shortcuts").

Using PowerCLI, i confirmed that that the Extension is installed.

"Key :
SubjectName : OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter"

vCenter 6.5 U2 Build 10964411
OMIVV version Version

I also restarted the vCenter, but the extension is still unavailable in vCenter Web UI (using HTML client, but it does also not show in the old client as well).

Un-registering and re-registering vCenter in OMIVV did also not help. Even using the @vsphere.local administrator during registration does not make any difference.


Any ideas? 


Best regards,


4 Posts

November 26th, 2019 02:00

Alright, i managed to find the issue. 

Apparently the OMIVV https certificate was the root cause of failing the successful plug-in integration.

i completely re-deployed the whole OMIVV VM, uninstalled the extentions, configured the OMIVV appliance and before registering it to vCenter, i created the https certificate. 

I can now see the Icon under the shortcuts. 




6.2K Posts

November 21st, 2019 09:00


I would check the alarms/alerts. They may help point to the reason why the icon is not being created. You should also check to make sure the plugin is enabled, not just installed. Issues with certificates, credentials, DNS, NTP, etc could cause this issue. You need to review your installation for any issues.


4 Posts

November 25th, 2019 05:00


I re-registered it again, without any luck. 
As for the events & alerts there are only success messages.

Where do i see the enable/disable value for this extension?
When i check via powercli or the /mob ExtenxsionManager, i do not see any status - enable/disable property/value.


November 25th, 2019 21:00

      Couple of things to look into :

a) Can you check the serenity entry at vCenter.

If the older version of OMIVV (Ex  4.3) serenity is present, please delete it manually and then restart vCenter services.
Details about at serenity path at vCenter is here.

b)Can you try restarting vSphere Client service of vCenter and then launching the vCenter again at new browser session. Cache may prevent extension visibility. 

More details is available here.

Thank You,


4 Posts

November 26th, 2019 00:00


Thanks for the reply. 

We never had any other version beside 5 of this extension installed before.

i verified the vpshere-client-serenity folder, but i do not see anything from DELL there. 


restarting VCSA was also futile.
Clearing browser cache, closing and opening a new sessions did also not change anything. 

November 26th, 2019 02:00

 Screenshot is not visible.
 Serenity entry should be made for OMIVV plug-in with ‘OpenManage_Integration_for_VMware_vCenter_WebClient-5.0.0.x’ folder name.
 Please look into  below path.

vCenter Appliance :


vCenter Windows Based :

Few queries :
a) Is vCenter user used for OMIVV registration has required privilege.  Details.
b) Can you check the OMIVV plug-in status at vCenter UI (At Administration -> Solutions -> Client Plug-Ins), if status is disabled, enable it.
c) Can you check the network communication between OMIVV (Can login as readonly user for ping check) and vCenter.
d) Is default certificate is used of OMIVV or custom certificate is used for OMIVV.

Thank You,

No Events found!
