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1 Rookie


1 Message


April 8th, 2024 20:22

PSU Clicking under load.

I have a dell optiplex 9020 and i recently got a new case, gpu and power supply. The power supply i got was a 290 Watt dell power supply from a larger 9020. For some reason, when the GPU is in a heavy load, the power supply just clicks, i have tried to underclock my gpu to stop it from clicking but it continues. I use an RX 580 Gaming X and Sata power to PCI Express in order to power it. I used to use the power supply it came with to power the gpu but the fan wasnt getting enough air and it fried so i got the replacement and made sure it had enough air, but the original, which had less power, wasnt clicking.

7 Technologist


10.6K Posts

April 8th, 2024 21:53

Re:  Sata power to PCI Express in order

not a good idea.  not safe.  under load the thin plastic around sata can soften and cause a short or fire hazard.

psu click when it is detecting a short sometimes.

try use a standard atx psu and 24 to 8 pin adapter to provider safer power to RX580

6 Professor


7.6K Posts

April 11th, 2024 01:21

Google your card's wattage and PSU requirements.  You'll find that the RX 580 Gaming X is 185w and requires 400w-450w PSU to power it and your system.

Use the 8-pin connector on the PSU to help power the RX 580.

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