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This post is more than 5 years old


September 19th, 2010 04:00

Dell PE R610 install issue with FreeBSD 7.2



Due to unique requirements of our server apps, I need to install FreeBSD 7.2 on our Dell R610 PE server.

Unfortunately when I get to the install screen on disk, it says disk not detected.

After checking the web, the issue is that FreeBSD 7,2 does not have drivers for the Dell PERC H200, using LSI SAS2008 RAID controller chipset.

Can anyone advise what's the best way to get around this and install FreeBSD 7,2 on the Dell R610?






4 Operator


9.3K Posts

September 20th, 2010 07:00

I see 3 options:

- return the H200 and get a PERC6i instead (probably supported by FreeBSD 7.2)

- virtualize; run ESXi or so, and run FreeBSD in a virtual machine on this

- upgrade to a newer release of FreeBSD that supports current hardware

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