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14 Posts


November 23rd, 2021 14:00

How is PowerFlex sold?

Does the PowerFlex sold in an independent software package or sold with hardware such as the ready node?  I can't find any information on the DELL website.  All it says is it is licensed by TB.  I asked our distributors such as TechData and they have no idea.  I tested the software on some old HP servers.  So I know the software definitely doesn't require DELL server or hardware.  I send a request for more information on the DELL website but nobody call or email me back.

45 Posts

November 24th, 2021 02:00

New PowerFlex Software-Only sales are not available ( although in some rare cases it may be considered - an RPQ would have to be submitted by the local Sales team ) .
You are correct is saying PowerFlex Software Only does not require just Dell hardware.
The options available are Powerflex Appliance, PowerFlex Custom node , PowerFlex IR -which all require Dell nodes.

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