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This post is more than 5 years old


October 10th, 2018 09:00

Registering ScaleIO system using ScaleIO VMware plugin

Hello hello,

Is there any powercli command or rest api (VMware or ScaleIO) to register a deployed ScaleIO system using ScaleIO VMware plugin (ScaleIO version 2.6)

Basically looking for restapi(s)/command(s) to to following manual  procedure:

  1. Log on to the Customer vCenter.
  2. Browse to ScaleIO plugin.
  3. Navigate in the left panel view to ScaleIO systems.
  4. Right click and select Register/Unregister ScaleIO Gateway.
  5. Type the IP address of the Gateway, the root user name & password and click OK. This registers the ScaleIO gateway.

Thank you,


32 Posts

October 11th, 2018 05:00

Still waiting to get this answered. Please help.



7.3K Posts

October 18th, 2018 12:00

Hello Ritu,

  1. Copy the following file to your designated host (preferably your vCenter), that has PowerCLI installed: EMC-ScaleIO-vSphere-plugin-installer-2.6-
  2. Extract the contents of the ZIP file.
  3. Using PowerCLI for VMware, set to Run as administrator, run the following script:

VxFlexOSPluginSetup-2.6- .X.ps1

  1. Type the vCenter name or IP address, username, and password. You can also use this script to unregister a plug-in or to create an SVM template.
  2. For Choose mode, select option 1, Register VxFlex OS plug-in.
  3. Read the upgrade notice, and type y to continue.
  4. For Select Registration Mode, select Standard (simplified, using embedded Tomcat). This step may take a few minutes.

Note: You can use the Advanced option to install the plug-in using a VxFlex OS Gateway from a previous installation or using your own web service. In either case, you must place this version’s file ( EMC-ScaleIOvSphere-web-plugin-2.6- in your resources folder before running the installation. To use a previous VxFlex OS Gateway, the resource folder is VxFlex OS Gateway installation folder \webapps\root\resources.

  1. If necessary, accept the thumbprint.
  2. Log in to the vSphere web client. If you are already logged in, log out, then log in again.
  3. Return to the PowerCLI window, and press ENTER to return to the script menu and complete the plug-in installation.
  4. From the vSphere Home tab, verify that the VxFlex OS icon is visible in the Inventories section.

Please let us know if you have any other questions.

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