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This post is more than 5 years old


March 17th, 2006 15:00

separate logical disk for Quorum?

​ I am trying to setup clustering on 2 2850s and a 220s. I have 7, 300GB drives in the 220s and configured it with RAID (0+1) (1 logical drive) ​
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​ then intitalized it and went into windows to create 2 separate partitions (Quorum (Q)- 1GB) and (E - 800+ GB Data) ​
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​ Then ran cluster setup and during the analysis, it did not find shared quorum resources (Q). ​
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​ The question is does Q need to be a an entire separate logical drive? Why is MSCS not seeing Q drive as the Quroum shared drive? ​

777 Posts

March 22nd, 2006 16:00

Hi tdubb,

  The quorum does need to be a seperate logical drive as far as I recall. Be sure you are setting the switch on the back of the PV into cluster mode. Configure your arrays with node 1 and have node 2 off. then turn off node 1 and bring node 2 up into the controller BIOS , set node two's quorum controller to ID14, and read from disk to import the configuration, save and exit, bring up node 1 and complete the cluster installation, and then bring up node two.

All drivers and firmware versions must match between node 1 and node 2.

  Dell does offer a cluster installation service, just contact your Dell sales person and they can set up a team to come out and setup your cluster.

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