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April 20th, 2019 02:00

Precision t7500 Compatible raid cards

Hi I want to add a Raid card that has 6gb/s sata 3 to my precision t7500 what dell cards are compatible I have already bought a h700 but it is the intergrated version (0xxfvx) and when I plug it in I can't get it to see the hard drives at all it loads up but no drives detected I have now read that that version of the card will not work in my system so I would like to know what cards will work. Can anyone help point me in the right direction?...Thanks in advance for any help.

2.5K Posts

April 20th, 2019 15:00

the product support page cover this, but not for alien cards.

you said raid cards , I could bury you (figuratively) in piles and plies of them that do not work. (joking 1/2 )

why not do this.

How many drives  will there be (4 is max out of box) what drives are you using?

say need first, why raid and what speeds needed and loading, raid 1 to 60 what type RAID is goal.

them we pick  raid card on todays needs and say 5 years forward.?

HOW  did you determine the H700 is dead. In the ROM hot key setup page? under physical drives?

no hdd stated,  2.5" 3.5" sas or sata or SSD  (5 types), 

and I can  tell you it can see all those. if you use the rom raid hot key, it will.

The limits are only types of arrays mostly for black /white works or not.

some cant do raid 6 nor can yours out of box., is that is goal and no goal stated so......

your data sheet states

single RAID 0 data volumes greater than 2TB are available as factory-installed option with the optional PERC6 RAID

and states

Integrated LSI 1068e SAS/SATA 3.0GB/s controller supports (ONLY) host-based RAID 0 or 1.

Optional PERC 6/i PCIe SAS/SATA/SSD hardware RAID card supports RAID 0, 1, 5, 10  (not wanting the great RAID 6 but 10 is ok)


So why did you say h700? ok bought  it , sure.

the h700 book does not mention your T7500 only T710 poweredge.

where are you headed with all this,  speed,? or max production time? or off line backup server,  what is the goal of the box.?




6 Posts

October 16th, 2019 11:00

I need an answer to this also. The man asked what Raid controller card with 6Gb/s speed  is compatible with a Dell Precision T7500 as I am. With Dual hex core xeons. I have 6Gb/s drives but can't use them at 6Gb/s because i need a 6Gb/s Raid Controller card. Like the Perc ll card maybe? I don't know if it takes a Perc lll. Maybe a Perc ll with SSD drives instead? I see it on YouTube on how to use and install those with the Sata ll or lll Samsung Raid card. I can say that the card the 1st guy has is for the servers not workstations. Plus be sure your drives are 6Gb/s.After more research.... Here are links to the ANSWER:

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