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This post is more than 5 years old


July 29th, 2011 22:00

v715W stopped printing in color

After printing fine with black and color ink, my v715w suddenly stopped printing in color.  I reinstalled the cartridges, tried cleaning and aligning, uninstalled/reinstalled the printer and nothing seems to work.  I checked the printer preferences and color/black is selection is set to automatic.  Copies are printed without color, also, so it is not just the printing function.

Help!  The printer is just over a year old...

Any help is appreciated!

13 Posts

July 8th, 2012 22:00

This very interesting, I am having the same problem you guys are having.  Six months after I purchased my printer it failed to print.  Dell sent me a new printer and it failed also.  After contacting Dell they sent me a new printerhead and now this problem has come up in just a little of a year from that time.  I have gone through all of the progresses you guys have done and I believe this is another printhead problem.  I will be contacting Dell about this.  If I get a new printhead and this resolves my problem, I will let you guys know.  Good luck with your problem(s).

9 Legend


30.3K Posts

August 18th, 2012 13:00



Since you said...

It seems to be printhead issue and trying to see if there is a way to buy that part.


We have found a Replacement Printhead





7 Posts

August 18th, 2012 13:00

i just started having the same problem although my V715W is much older - purchased in April 2010 - and of course in not under warranty.  It seems to be printhead issue and trying to see if there is a way to buy that part.  Doubtful, but worth a try.  Holding with Dell now to see if there is any chance.

7 Posts

August 18th, 2012 14:00

There is a firmware upgrade release from 2/23/2012 (V715_C020212_00) that you might try downloading and applying.  When I tried to install that, it actually failed and now my printer actually says, 'There is a problem with the printhead. Please consult users guide'.  Unfortunately, removing and cleaning the printhead as instructed did not help and I was directed to call sales support on Monday to see if Dell can sell me the part since my printer is out of warranty.

7 Posts

August 18th, 2012 14:00

Thanks for the info on the purchasing the part!

13 Posts

August 18th, 2012 15:00

Hey guys,

I am sorry I have not responded to you about my problem with Dell's V715W.  I did call Dell and the technician agreed that the problem with the printer not printing color had to do with the print head.  My warranty had run out as well and the cost for a new print head would be over a hundred dollars.  I let Dell know that I was not please with the fact that this appear to be a known problem with this printer (V715W).  I told Dell that I think they know about this problem and they were not willing to acknowledge the problem and replace the print head or the printer.  Dell's answer to that was if I had a warranty they would gladly replace the print head.  I suggested they compensate with a print head or a new printer.  I gave it some thought and after having been through the print head once already, I decided to purchase a new printer.  I purchased the Dell V725W.  I have no idea how long this printer will last.  However, I am happy with the way it is performing at present.  I am not happy with the fact that I had to purchase a new printer and that Dell was not willing to at least share in the cost.  If this printer does not hold up I probably will be switching over to something else.  I hope this will be of some help.  Good luck with Dell and your printer problems.

4 Posts

August 20th, 2012 10:00

Yes...Dell is more than happy to sell you more.....warranty for the price of another printer.  I gave up on my 715W and am now using an Espon Workforce which is awesome which I got for nearly same price while on sale (WF-4530) that although a bit larger, printers faster and is more reliable.  It also as ADF that handles double sided for scanning/copying 2-sided documents.  I'm sold on anything but dell when it comes to printers.

7 Posts

August 24th, 2012 09:00

Hi!  I ordered the print head replacement, received, and installed it.  I'm back to printing in full color again.  Thanks for the info on the part!

7 Posts

August 24th, 2012 11:00

It was through Lexmark.  These are OEM'd from Lexmark.  I purchased a Lexmark 100 Series Printhead (part # 14N1339) for $29.00.

13 Posts

August 24th, 2012 11:00

The purchase you made was it with Dell or some other company.

13 Posts

August 24th, 2012 19:00

Thanks for the information.  It looks like I can save my old printer after all.  When I was searching for a print head Lexmark did not come up for me.  Happy printer problem solving.

9 Legend


30.3K Posts

August 25th, 2012 12:00



Glad you got it working! :emotion-21: Thanks for posting back.


Take care,





If you need the link, Replacement Printhead




13 Posts

August 25th, 2012 14:00

Hey guys,

Thanks for the information.  When I tried to place my order it could not calulate the tax.  I am not sure what that is all about.  I guest I will have to check with Lexmark about that.

 Thanks again.

1 Message

September 12th, 2012 17:00

I am having the exact same problem.  I have now wasted two color cartridges trying to fix this.  Seeing the number of posts on this thread, this is obviously an issue with this particular printer.  It was printing fine 30 minutes ago, then just quit.  I've tried everything mentioned here.

13 Posts

September 13th, 2012 12:00


 I am sorry I have gotten back to you guys yet, but I did follow bradlenj post for 24Aug2012 answer.  I purchased the print head from Lexmark and it worked just fine.  My Grandson is now using that printer.  So, check out bradlenj reply and try that, it worked just fine for me.  I was about to trash my old V715W, but glad I did not have to do that.  I agree with you this is a know problem with that particular printer and Dell refuses to do a recall on the printer.  I guest that will cost them a couple of dollars.  Thanks Brad for your help.

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