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April 23rd, 2015 09:00

Multiple network adapters on SourceOne servers

Dear All,

is it possible to add multiple network (Ethernet) adapters to a SourceOne server? Is there a way to bind SourceOne services to a specific adapter?

Regards, Krisztian

600 Posts

April 23rd, 2015 17:00

Hi Krisztián,

You cannot bind SourceOne to particular network adapter.

I have seen many customers with multiple network adapters and also with bindings especially because of backup needing its own adapter/network.

In these sites you will see network adapters named e.g. Production and backup.  Both will have different network subnets configured.

What needs to be taken care of is that Production should be first adapter in network “Adapters and Bindings” page of advanced settings. This way most of SourceOne related queries will end up on that adapter and other adapter you can leverage for backup or whatever other purpose you may have.

If there is anything else, that I would not know about.

However sometimes we had to break the binding of multiple adapters if we find issue that could be network related to rule out if firmware or anything related to binding is causing the issue.

Best regards,


272 Posts

April 23rd, 2015 18:00

It’s possible but windows based network routing would be in effect.

There is no way within SourceOne to bind it to a NIC.

129 Posts

May 14th, 2015 05:00

Hi Gary,

could you please tell me more about this possibility, to bind S1 services to an interface using windows routing feature?

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