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May 15th, 2008 10:00

Adding new ECC users from another domain


55 Posts

June 13th, 2008 09:00


Yes, you will get the traces in server.trc as well.

14:26:05--ClientSession(5065441)--Thread[Command EccUamCommand, id = 42252,5,Dispatcher--1]--Connection(22248061)--UPDATE ECCCOMMAND SET PREVIOUSSTATE = 10, CURRENTSTATE = 2, COMMANDDESCRIPTION = 'Add ECC User Domain\user- failed No Such User, (DOMAIN\user)' WHERE (COMMANDID = 42252)

To resolve this issue, complete the following steps.

1.) On the Windows 2000/2003 server where the ControlCenter Server resides, edit the Advanced TCP/IP Settings.
2.) Select Append these DNS suffixes (in order), and add the domain that ControlCenter cannot authenticate to.

Nimai Sood

2.1K Posts

May 15th, 2008 11:00

I puzzled over this one previously and ended up creating domain accounts for my ECC users in the domain that ECC lives in.

I just couldn't waste any more time trying to figure out what was wrong. If you get it cleared up I'd like to know the answer too.

59 Posts

May 15th, 2008 11:00

Did you check and make sure that those domain users were added the admin group of the ECC box (The main repo)?

22 Posts

May 20th, 2008 05:00

I opened a service request and presented the same question that I asked at the beginning of this thread and was referred to Primus solution emc177785. The solution mentions LDAP and changing values in ecc_server.ini. Since Windows administration and security are departments different from the one in which I work, I have not had an opportunity to pursue implementation of this solution.

2.1K Posts

June 16th, 2008 11:00

Thanks, I'll give it a try in our environment and hopefully it will work for me too!

22 Posts

June 16th, 2008 11:00


Your suggestion worked. Thank you for taking the time to respond to my posting.


P.S. Allan Ward, I believe that this is the answer you were looking for.

22 Posts

February 15th, 2012 11:00

Hi Allen,

Did you get a chance to try in your environment? the solution  that Nimai Sood suggested didn't work for me!

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