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This post is more than 5 years old



July 25th, 2012 01:00

Pool & Logs

IHAC - VMAX with 8 engines and 8 bay filled with 600GB FC

Pools are on Raid5. each pool has 64 spindles. Presented Data & Log ThinDevice luns from these pools (SQL / SAP application) for windows 2008 server.

Application team has come back to us saying performance is very low when they do microsoft speed test on these luns presented to their servers.

Latency is the issue. IT should be less than 10-20 ms as per their requirement. All allignement etc etc is taken care of at server side.

It is a new setup built about 5 months back.

Any best practice missing here from storage side?

If so can i have a validated document?

any suggestion to improve these?

Thanks in advance


1.3K Posts

August 1st, 2012 00:00


I think I mis-read your post and you were agreeing with me.

1.3K Posts

August 1st, 2012 00:00


You are correct that the TDEV (thin LUN) is already striped over the backend.  The main benefit of THICK striped metas is to get the backend IOs over more disks.

The benefit to THIN striped metas is to get more concurrency to and from CACHE, nothing to do with the backend.  You can get up to 2x the cached IOs (reads and writes) with a 8-16 way meta over a single device.

If you don't need a lot of IOs from a single LUN, then you don't need a striped meta for performance.

1.3K Posts

August 1st, 2012 00:00

Sorry Saurabh,

Striped TDEVs can give up to 2x the performance of a concat VP meta, there is no performance impact to striping on top of the thin stripe.

However it is much harder to expand a striped VP meta.

859 Posts

August 1st, 2012 01:00

August 1st, 2012 01:00

Thanks for information.. One more qustion why every where i can see this note for Thin Stiped Meta "Before configuring striped metadevices, please consult with an EMC performance specialist."

859 Posts

August 1st, 2012 03:00

I believe when tht document was published Online expansion of Striped tdev meta was not supported and thats the reason we were only recommending striped meta if future expansion of meta was not required.



23 Posts

August 2nd, 2012 00:00

Striped thin metas are supposed to perform better than concatenated thin metas.

Any idea why EMC recommends to use concatenated thin LUNs for Exchange2010?

Microsoft Exchange Server 2010: Storage Best Practices and Design Guidance for EMC Storage

(Feb 2012, Part Number h8888.4)

page 17:

What are some of the most important design considerations for Exchange Server 2010 on VMAX?

• When creating LUNs, use fewer but larger hypervolumes to improve performance.

• When using regular (thick) LUNs, use striped metavolumes.

When using thin LUNs, use concatenated metavolumes.

18 Posts

August 2nd, 2012 09:00

The recommendation in that Exchange document was not for performance reasons.  Exchange 20120 does not have high iops requirements like its predecessors so thin metas can generally give the performance needed.  Given concatenated metas are easier to expand, that's why they were recommended.  There are cases with Exchange 2010, with SRDF/S and offline checksum operations where striped can perform better, so if performance is paramount, striped should always be used. 

23 Posts

August 6th, 2012 02:00

I did a little test with Exchange 2010 Jetstress running on ESXi5 which itself runs on a Cisco B200 M2 blade. 34 x 15FC 300G drives were used for that in our VMAX-1 (5875). The .edb database drive is 100GB and I tried different stripe configurations. The key results of Jetstress are listed in the table below.

At the end I decided to go with 8 meta members. I need to create 40 of these devices, how much cache will I block with that?

I have not installed PowerPath /VE yet on the host but I will it soon.

Any other tricks to improve performance?

Meta-members IOPS Av. Read Latency Av. Write Latency
simple TDEV 1357 4.95 8.44
2 1439 4.18 5.85
4 1518 3.8 4.33
8 1472 3.86 3.85
16 1513 3.73 3.89
32 1541 3.62 3.82

1.3K Posts

August 6th, 2012 06:00

Cache usage won't change.  There is no cache allocation per volume.

The only difference is the maximum WP that the meta can use.  Each volume can use up to 5% of writable cache.

16 Posts

August 17th, 2012 16:00

I was directed to this post from another site where my main question was: why do we still need metas if we have FAST VP. I was thinking that FAST VP would make metas the thing of the past.

1.3K Posts

August 19th, 2012 07:00


See my reply in this thread.  You may still need metas with VP or FAST VP.

96 Posts

September 3rd, 2012 10:00

Useful threads and thanks to all!

Thin pool created from 3+1. Do you have any best practice document for recommended RAID layout for Thin Pools?

I see many useful answers; not sure which one to click correct. clicking all helpful..................

Issue resolved resinstallation of full powerpath and HBA tuning.

1.3K Posts

September 3rd, 2012 18:00

When you say "RAID layout" do you mean data devices?  They should have 8 hypers per pool per disk, or the minimum number to use all the capacity of the drive.

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